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1.Look at the trouble you are in!_______your parents’ advice.

A.If only you would have followed B.If only you followed

C.If only you would follow D.If only you had followed

2.If penicillin available, many people from sickness or even small wounds in World WarⅡ.

A.was not; would die B.were not; would have died

C.had not been; would died D.had not been; would have died

3.Had electronic computers not been invented, many problems of space flight . A.could not have solved B.could not be solved

C.can not have been solved D.could not have been solved

4.What do you think of the proposal that improvement ____ in the type of vacuum cleaner? A.be made B.will be made C.would be made D.has to be made 5.—Oh, dear. I’m really ve ry busy now.

—Would you rather that I to you about my experience at school?

A.shouldn’t speak B.didn’t speak C.don’t speak D.won’t speak 6.The snowstorm sweeping across California delayed my flight, otherwise I _____ in Hawaii sunbathing on the beach now.

A.would be B.could have been C.will be D.might have been 7.It is time that we ________ a decision on how to approach this problem.

A.make B.made C.to make D.will make

8.I ______ to you at that time, but I didn’t know where you lived.

A.had written B.wrote

C.would write D.would have written

9.It is recommended that the project ______ until all the preparations have been made. A.is not started B.will not be started

C.not be started D.is not to be started

10.The board thought it urgent that these files _____ right away.

A.printed B.had been printed C.would been printed D.be printed 11.--- Are you happy now?

--- If only I _____ slimmer, more beautiful, richer, more clever.

A.am B.were C.had been D.should be 12.-You came second in the running race. Congratulations!

-Thanks. But practising more, I _______ a different result.

A.might get B.may get C.may have got D.might have got 13.-Where are the children? The school bus is leaving.

- I wish they ______ always late.

A.aren’t B.weren’t C.wouldn’t be D.hadn’t be en 14.________, the damage would be incalculable.

A.Should such a disaster occur B.If such a disaster had occurred C.Had such a disaster occurred D.If such a disaster should be occurred 15.Mr Smith’s doctor suggested that he ______ and exercise regularly.

A.should eat B.will eat C.can eat D.would eat 16.She insisted that she ________ to the disaster-hit area and that her request ________ reasonable.

A.be sent, was B.should send, was

C.should be sent, be D.send, should be

17.Why didn’t you tell me about your trouble last week? If you _______ me, I could have helped.

A.told B.had told C.would have told D.have told 18.______, I would have given you his address.

A.If you asked me B.You had asked me

C.Should you have asked me D.Had you asked me

19.The order came the soldiers the small village the next morning.

A.that; had to leave B.that; should leave

C./; must leave D.when; should leave

20.Had he taken his parent’s advice, he ______ having made such a silly mistake now. A.would not regret B.would not have regretted

C.may not regret D.does not regret

21.We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we ________more places of interest yesterday.

A.visited B.had visited

C.would visit D.would have visited

22.If he____ to the teacher attentively, he____the answer to the problem now.

A.had listened, would have known B.listened, would know C.listened, would have known D.had listened, would know

23.His suggestion to see the exhibition interested every one of us.

A.that we go B.which we should go

C.that we would go D.when we should go

24.Many things we benefit from now wouldn't be around _______ Albert Einstein. A.aside from B.thanks to C.but for D.regardless of 25.—How impressive China’s 70th anniversary of National Day parade is!—Definitely. If only I ________ on the scene!

A.was B.were C.have been D.had been 【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除

