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交卷时间:2016-04-23 18:34:13


1.(4分)In recent years much more emphasis has been put ________ developing the stud ents productive skills.

∙ A. onto

∙ B. over

∙ C. in

∙ D. on

2.(4分)His health ________ as he ate too little and worked too hard for months on en;∙ A. broke up

∙ B. broke through

∙ C. broke down

∙ D. broke off

3.(4分)Mike was worn out that he just __________ down and slept for ten hours.

∙ A. lied

∙ B. laid

∙ C. lay

4.(4分)So little _________ about maths that the lecture was completely beyond me.

∙ A. I konw

∙ B. I knew

∙ C. do I know

∙ D. did I know

5.(4分)I ___ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since th enew year.∙ A. will play

∙ B. have played

∙ C. played

∙ D. play

6.(4分)Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could _____ English .∙ A. practise to speak

∙ B. practising speaking

∙ C. practise speaking

∙ D. to practise speaking

7.(4分)He made no ________ to his illness till after the lesson.

∙ A. remark

∙ B. comment

∙ C. reference

8.(4分)A computer can only do ___ you have instructed it to do.

∙ A. how

∙ B. after

∙ C. what

∙ D. when

9.(4分)Prisons in some countries are short of staff, ___________ means each prison office r is overworked and underpaid.

∙ A. which

∙ B. this

∙ C. what

∙ D. it

10.(4分)In the old days people only had a ________ idea of what other countries were l ike .

∙ A. cough

∙ B. tough

∙ C. rough

∙ D. crude

11.(4分)Measures had to be taken in face of the housing problem that ________ in the city.

∙ A. rose

∙ B. Raised

∙ C. arose

∙ D. produced

12.(4分)Through long power lines electricity goes ______.

∙ A. to the place needed

∙ B. there it is needed

∙ C. where it is needed

∙ D. which it is needed

13.(4分)With the development of science and technology, man can make various flowe rs ________ before their time.

∙ A. be bloomed

∙ B. bloomed

∙ C. bloom

∙ D. blooming

14.(4分)If you _________ some of the early writing with her late work, you can see just how much she improved.

∙ A. connect

∙ B. supply

∙ C. contrast

∙ D. present

15.(4分)He was punished ________ he should make the same mistake again.

∙ A. unless

∙ B. if

∙ C. provided

∙ D. lest

16.(4分)He _______ lives in the house where he was born.

∙ A. already

∙ B. yet

∙ C. still

∙ D. ever

17.(4分)He made such a ___________ contribution to the school that they are naming o ne of the buildings after him.

∙ A. genuine

∙ B. minimum

∙ C. modest

∙ D. generous

18.(4分)Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has ___ IQ.

∙ A. a high

∙ B. a higher
