



The new semester is almost here. While space in your luggage may limit what you can bring with you from home, you can pack a lot of things into your smartphone, which may be the most useful thing you bring with you all year.


The time-managing app Hours first asks you to set a timer for your initial task, then you can begin handling it until an alarm sets off telling you that time’s up. By setting more timers for more tasks, you can split your day into small sections so that each one focuses on one single thing instead of having different tasks overlap one another.

7 Minute Workout

You thought it was easy to spend one hour every day working out to stay in shape, only to find that it’s simply too time-consuming to make it a daily routine. As the name indicates, this app only requires a minimal investment. To start, you choose from various training modes. Each mode contains a training circuit of 7 minutes. If you find yourself powering through the workouts too easily, the “Be challenged” section includes more challenging modes like “abs of steel” and “mad”.


Instead of helping you organize your bills and loans, DailyCost works by tracking what you spend on everyday things-the drinks, the snacks, the movies-and showing you how all those little things can easily add up and eat away at your bank balance.


While most of us aren’t into rote learning, you can’t deny that sometimes one of the

most effective ways to absorb new vocabularies is to use flashcards. Quizlet allows you to create your own flashcards or you can simply share the ones made by the millions of other users. This online community is what sets this app apart from others like it, blurring the boundary between education and social networking. Quizlet covers a wide range of subjects, which makes it especially handy when you’re preparing for a major exam.

1.Who is the passage written for?

A.Tech enthusiasts.B.College students.C.Job hunters.D.App developers. 2.What can we learn about the apps?

A.Hours improves efficiency by multitasking.B.7 Minute Workout requires a fee. C.DailyCost helps manage finances.D.Quizlet features vocabulary learning. 3.Which apps would be useful if you buy a soda on your way to the gym for a two-hour workout?

A.Hours and 7 Minute Workout.B.7 Minute Workout and Quizlet. C.DailyCost and Quizlet.D.Hours and DailyCost.

My wife, Hannah, and I don’t usually keep houseplants. Anything in pots gets either over-watered or under-watered. But after my diagnosis with glioblastoma, a terminal brain cancer, with a prognosis of little more than a year to live, I loved the idea of having something new and green around.

My friend Mitch gave me what he said was a lucky bamboo plant in a deep-green pottery bowl with three pencil-sized stalks braided together. We placed the plant in the living room window across from the couch where I spent much of the day. I smiled when I looked at it over the rim of the mug of coffee Hannah brought me each morning.

I told Hannah I wanted to care for the plant myself. Tending to the plant gave me a sense of accomplishment at a time when I sometimes felt useless. Glioblastoma limited my ability to walk, and the treatment left me fatigued, making it hard for me to accomplish everyday tasks. As a family physician, I was used to being the one who provided care, not the one who received it. Since my diagnosis, I had to rely on help from other people. The enormous change left me feeling purposeless and unsettled Watering the plant, as small an act as it was, connected me to a core part of my old identity and taught me that plants and people could still depend on me.

Over the next few months, I recovered from surgery and completed radiation and

chemotherapy. Even after I returned to work, I continued to care for the plant. Soon, it had nearly doubled in height and its leaves were shiny and lush. Both the tree and I were thriving. 4.What led the writer to keep the plant?

A.Work experience.B.Misfortune in life.

C.Hannah’s insistence.D.Mitch’s suggestion.

5.According to paragraph 3, why did the writer feel fulfilled?

A.He continued his career.B.He overcame his disease.

C.He could still be a caregiver.D.He developed a love for planting. 6.Which of the following best describes the writer?

A.Caring and optimistic.B.Accomplished and determined. C.Worried but understanding.D.Aimless but open-minded.

7.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.A Healing Bamboo B.A Determined Doctor

C.An Incurable Disease D.A Miracle Cure

Our current climatic stable period is called the Long Summer. From the moment life began on the planet billions of years ago, the climate has swung often abruptly from one state to another-from tropical swamp (沼泽) to frozen ice age. Over the past 10,000 years, however, the climate has remained remarkably stable by historical standards: not too warm and not too cold. That stability has allowed human beings to thrive; farming has taken hold and civilizations have arisen.

But as human population has exploded over the past few thousand years, the fragile ecological balance that kept the Long Summer going has become threatened. The rise of industrialized agriculture has led to pollution on land and water, while our fossil fuel addiction has moved billions of tons of carbon from the land into the atmosphere, heating the climate ever more.

Now a new article in the Sept. 24 issue of Nature says the safe climatic limits in which humanity has blossomed are more vulnerable than ever and that unless we recognize our planetary boundaries and stay within them,we risk total disaster. But the fact is that it’s tough for policymakers to work out a new climate change agreement unless they know just how much carbon needs to be cut to keep people safe.

The problem is that identifying, those limits is a vague science-and even trickier to

translate into policy. Scientists still aren’t certain as to how sensitive the climate will be to warming over the long term. It’s possible that the atmosphere will be able to handle more carbon or that disaster could be triggered at lower levels. But climate diplomats should remember that while they can negotiate with one another, ultimately, they can’t negotiate with the planet. Unless we manage our presence on Earth better, we may soon be in the last days of our Long Summer.

8.What contributed to the prosperity of human beings?

A.Farming and civilization.B.Long-term stable climate. C.Changes on the earth.D.The beginning of life.

9.Which of the following has put the ecosystem in danger?

A.The rise of agriculture.B.The imbalanced industry.

C.The heavy use of fossil fuel.D.The upcoming climatic swing. 10.How does the writer develop the last paragraph?

A.By presenting facts.B.By analyzing causes.

C.By explaining reasons.D.By making predictions.

11.What is suggested to solve the climate problem?

A.Identifying safe climatic limits.B.Working with climate diplomats. C.Reducing our impact on the planet.D.Establishing a climate change agreement.

It’s a question that’s bothered cultural critics for decades: while we know more than ever, are we getting sillier and dumber as a result of the increasing amount of technology at our disposal?

The current debate about intelligence, sparked by Nicholas Carr’s recent The Shallows, asks what the Internet is doing to our brains? Like Susan Jacoby’s The Age of American Unreason, Mr. Carr addresses the sense of despair among American intellectuals about the country’s poor educational performance when compared with other countries. In reading, mathematics and science, American 15-year-olds suffer in the lower half of the rankings for the 30 wealthiest countries.

But things are rarely as they seem.E-books barely existed a decade ago, but have exploded in popularity since Amazon introduced its Kindle a few years back. E-books are now outselling hardcovers. Perhaps we are witnessing not a decline in book reading but a renaissance. The irony is that had computers been invented before books we would now.be

anxious about the loss of multi-media, multi-tasking, computer-gaming skills as our children wasted their time burying themselves in single topic paper books.

“There is simply no experimental evidence to show that living with new technologies fundamentally changes brain organization in a way that affects one’s ability to focus,” says Daniel Simons, a psychologist at Union College, New York.

The danger, if there is one, is that the easy, on-demand access to lots of information from the Internet may delude us into mistaking the data we download for genuine wisdom worth acting upon. Only fools would venture into such a forest of information with anything less than their eyes wide open and their brains fully engaged .Fortunately,there are fewer fools around than some of the scaremongers(散布谣言者)like to think.

12.What makes American scholars upset?

A.US kids’ weak academic performance.

B.The ongoing debate about intelligence.

C.The poor education in USA.

D.America’s wealth ranking.

13.Why are computers mentioned in paragraph 3?

A.To contrast with the popularity of Kindle.

B.To highlight the benefits of high tech.

C.To warn about a decline in reading.

D.To stress the importance of books.

14.What does the underlined word “delude" mean in paragraph 5?

A.terrify B.argue C.force D.trick 15.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.New technology changes our brains.

B.Exposure to high tech should be reduced.

C.Advanced technology won’t make us dumb

D.Nicholas Carr released a book on intelligence.


Tibetan New Year, aka Losar, is the most important festival in Tibet and is celebrated for 15 days, typically falling in February or March. It is a time of renewal and optimism, marking

the start of the Tibetan lunar calendar.____16____


It is a common custom that houses are adorned with bright and colorful banners and prayer flags, while the streets are lined with lanterns and colorful decorations.____17____·Offerings

Tibetan people offer prayers and make offerings to their gods during Losar. The offerings typically include food,incense(祭祀用的香)and flowers. These offerings are believed to bring good fortune and blessings to the individuals and communities.


Apart from music and dance, Tibetans indulge in rich and delicious dinners with their family and friends. Traditional dishes such as momos and Tibetan butter tea are served.

Closing Ceremonies

The Losar celebrations end with the Chunga Choepa ceremony, a religious offering service to worship the local gods.____19____This is followed by the service of throwing Tsampa into the air as a symbol of letting go of the past year and embracing new beginnings.

The customs of Tibetan New Year are deeply carved in the culture and traditions of the Tibetan folks. ____20____And the customs and traditions associated with this festival reflect the rich history and heritage of this fascinating culture.


B.Dancing and Singing

C.People gather in public spaces and light incense and candles.

D.The Losar celebrations are a time of joy, renewal and reflection.

E.They engage in thorough cleaning of their homes and surroundings.

F.In addition, people also decorate their clothes with complicated patterns, and their hair is styled in a complex fashion.

G.The celebrations include a range of customs and traditions that reflect the unique culture and identity of the Tibetan people.


I used to hate running. It seemed too hard, and pushing outside my comfort zone was not

husband, Charles. At his urge, I started to join him at the track. Just a few weeks later, Charles

on the race day, there I was.

The gun ____23____. Many runners pushed forward. The first kilometer was tough.

“I don’t think I’m gonna make it.” I was already breathing heavily and

painfully____24____of the group of runners racing past me.

“No, you’re doing great,” said Charles. He was trying to encourage me, to get

me____25____ on something rather than my discomfort.

“I can’t,” I said,____26____heard.

He tried a ____27____way to persuade me. “Just make it to that house and let’s see how you feel.”

After another minute I saw the three-kilometer ____28____. All I could think of was that I was ____29____and that my husband was torturing me. Misery didn’t even begin to describe how I felt. And there was_____30_____

“You’ll be fine. You’ve got less than a kilometer to go.”

I_____31_____a corner, and saw both sides of the street thick with people watching the race, all cheering the runners on. I_____32_____ my legs to keep going. Then I looked up and saw the clock. The seconds ticking away gave me a lot of _____33_____ .I knew that if I actually finished this race I would achieve something. So, I _____34_____, and kicked it.

I had my arms held higher when I passed through the finish line. A volunteer put a medal around my neck. That was amazing! I proudly hugged it as my lungs and my comfort zone both_____35_____.

21.A.champion B.runner C.professional D.volunteer 22.A.hesitated B.inquired C.cared D.set 23.A.went off B.cut off C.set off D.lived off 24.A.short B.capable C.aware D.critical 25.A.amused B.focused C.based D.impressed 26.A.barely B.regularly C.clearly D.mostly 27.A.quick B.different C.conventional D.right 28.A.distance B.standard C.level D.mark 29.A.dying B.lying C.ashamed D.convinced 30.A.fear B.anxiety C.confusion D.pain

31.A.cut B.searched C.found D.rounded 32.A.willed B.stretched C.shook D.broke 33.A.satisfaction B.encouragement C.comfort D.help 34.A.straightened up B.broke down C.ran out D.got through 35.A.ceased B.expanded C.switched D.vanished



The combination of slow,___36___(grace) movements and lightning-quick strikes easily distinguishes taijiquan from other martial arts.

The earliest origin of taijiquan can ___37___(trace) back to mid-seventeenth century in Central China’s Henan province, home to its first great popularizer Chen

Wangting,___38___Ming dynasty general.

In modern times, taijiquan has gained___39___(rise) popularity among Chinese of all ages, genders and ethnic groups.___40___(it) mental and physical health benefits have also gained it enthusiasts across the world. Taijiquan, ___41___is influenced by Daoist and Confucian thought, as well as traditional Chinese medicine, is based ___42___theories of bodily energies, the yin and yang cycle and the unity of heaven, earth and man. Unlike combat-oriented martial arts, it focuses on internal development, and is characterized by set exercises, the___43___(regulate) of breath, and the cultivation of a righteous, neutral mind.

The taijitu, the diagram of yin and yang, came from observing

shadows___44___(throw)on a sundial(日晷)at midday throughout the year. From these observations sprang many important ___45___ (aspect) of the traditional Chinese calendar.


46.We need a big win to b_______ our confidence.(根据首字母单词拼写)

47.Recent scientific evidence seems to indicate that this a________is incorrect. (根据首字母单词拼写)

48.She travelled around the world in p_______of her dreams. (根据首字母单词拼写) 49.There is a general public p_______ that the academic standards of college students are

falling. (根据首字母单词拼写)

50.Exploring the outer space is deeply r_______ in the dream of human beings. (根据首字母单词拼写)

51.Doctors are not allowed to r_______private information of the patients. (根据首字母单词拼写)

52.Exercise is an e _______ part of a healthy lifestyle. (根据首字母单词拼写)

53.He keeps fit because of a n_______balanced diet. (根据首字母单词拼写)


54.She achieved_______(名望)as a movie star overnight.(根据汉语提示单词拼写) 55.There are a number of distinguishing________ (特征) by which you can identify a Hollywood movie. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)

56.The child, who had lost his way, was found________ (游荡) aimlessly in the streets. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)

57.When you have a cold, you_______(打喷嚏) a lot. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)

58.He is called “daydreamer” because he always has ________ (难以达到的)goals in his mind. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)

59.Scientists say there is no_______ (令人信服的) evidence that power lines have anything to do with cancer. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)

60.The course is_______(由……组成) of reading, discussions and group design sessions. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)



When school was over, the students were informed that there was no school on Monday-the Labor Day. “Enjoy your extra day off,” said the teacher. An extra day of fun suited Flora just fine. She loved breaks and expected to go out to play with her friends. When the school bus dropped Flora off, she ran into the house happily.

“How was school, Flora?” asked her mom.

“It was great, Mom. I am excited about no school on Monday.”

“You just started back to school two weeks ago. Already in need of a break, huh?” asked Flora’s mom with a laugh.

Flora slept in the next morning. Saturday was her favorite day of the week. It rained most of the day, so Flora enjoyed playing video games inside. On Sunday, her friends came over and they played basketbal1 for several hours. Then it was Labor Day, you know, the extra day off that Flora was so looking forward to. But Flora was awakened early that morning by her dad. He told Flora that in honor of Labor Day, the family would be cleaning both inside and outside the house. Flora couldn’t believe it. This was a holiday, a day when she was supposed to be enjoying freshly squeezed lemonade while playing in her tree house. As Flora rubbed her eyes, she began to wonder if this was just a bad dream.

“Flora, your breakfast is ready. We have a lot of work to do today. Let’s get a move on,” said Flora’s mom. As she sat down at the kitchen table, Flora asked her parents, “Are you serious about working today? Isn’t Labor Day a holiday?”

“Yes, Flora. It is,” replied her dad. “But your mom and I thought working hard today would make you appreciate why Labor Day was observed in the first place.”



Flora felt disappointed at her parents’ plan for the holiday.

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____

Things began to change as she was doing the chores.

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____


2021-2022学年重庆市南开中学八年级(下)期中英语试卷 1. —What's ________ trouble with you,Mandy? —I had ________ fight with my parents because they couldn't understand me.() A. the;a B. the;an C. /;an D. /;a 2. —Your mom looks so happy.Could you tell me why? —I got a good grade in English.The look of joy on my mother's face shows her ________.() A. spirit B. situation C. satisfaction D. interest 3. Thanks_____the doctors like Zhong Nanshan,many people are saved.() A. to B. of C. for D. with 4. —The Taylors are going to ________ a lot of clothes to help homeless people. —Hope their plan ________.() A. put up;works on B. give away;works on C. put up;works out D. give away;works out 5. The Internet can help kids with their study a lot as long as they can use it ________.() A. completely B. usually C. properly D. recently 6. —Do you still remember that terrible day? —Of course.I ________ on the street at the time of the rainstorm.() A. walk B. walked C. am walking D. was walking 7. They are ________ hard working students ________ they can make their dreams come true. () A. so;that B. so;as C. such;that D. such;as 8. When you find ________ in a dangerous situation, right decisions will make ________ possible for you to get out of danger.() A. you;it B. you;it's C. yourself;it D. yourself;it's 9. Teachers in Nankai are very strict.They don't allow us ________ in class.If we have some questions,we should ________ our hands first.() A. talking;raise B. to talk;raise C. talking;rise D. to talk;rise 10. —You are late again!Can you explain______? — I'm sorry.The reasons are different every day.() A. why you always arrive late B. why do you always arrive late C. when you arrive D. when do you arrive


重庆市南开中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期中考试英语试 题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读理解 The new semester is almost here. While space in your luggage may limit what you can bring with you from home, you can pack a lot of things into your smartphone, which may be the most useful thing you bring with you all year. Hours The time-managing app Hours first asks you to set a timer for your initial task, then you can begin handling it until an alarm sets off telling you that time’s up. By setting more timers for more tasks, you can split your day into small sections so that each one focuses on one single thing instead of having different tasks overlap one another. 7 Minute Workout You thought it was easy to spend one hour every day working out to stay in shape, only to find that it’s simply too time-consuming to make it a daily routine. As the name indicates, this app only requires a minimal investment. To start, you choose from various training modes. Each mode contains a training circuit of 7 minutes. If you find yourself powering through the workouts too easily, the “Be challenged” section includes more challenging modes like “abs of steel” and “mad”. DailyCost Instead of helping you organize your bills and loans, DailyCost works by tracking what you spend on everyday things-the drinks, the snacks, the movies-and showing you how all those little things can easily add up and eat away at your bank balance. Ouizlet While most of us aren’t into rote learning, you can’t deny that sometimes one of the


重庆市南开中学2022-2023学年高三12月月考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读理解 You can pay a fortune to travel around the world. Or you can choose the places that won’t cost you a dime. Here are some places you’ll never regret visiting. National Mall, Washington D.C.(U. S. A.) You can walk a pathway from the Lincoln Memorial to the Washington Monument with other sights in between. Do you know you can go up in the elevator to the top of the Washington Monument? Tickets are free, but pay a small fee to reserve them in advance to avoid being disappointed. Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris(France) This great treasure of the world simply can’t be missed. The great rose stained-glass window alone is worth the visit. The Sunday Mass with Gregorian chanting was like stepping back in time. Admission is free every day, but you’re welcome to leave a donation. There are also free tours a few times each week. You’ll pay extra for tours of the bell tower. Fusterlandia, Jaimanitas, Havana(Cuba) Artist Jose Fuster left Cuba decades ago to travel in Europe and came back inspired to decorate his run-down properly in the suburbs of Jaimanitas with broken tiles(瓷砖). Eventually he covered a good portion of the neighborhood with his fantastic tile art, including bus slops, benches, front gales and more. For anyone who enjoys folk art this is a must-see, and it’s incredible that there is no entrance charge. The British Museum, London (U. K.) This is a place where you can immerse yourself in two million years of human history, art and culture. You need to go there to see the Egyptian mummies, the ancient Greek marbles and so many other treasures. It’s open every day and unlike most other attractions in England that cost an arm and a leg, it’s completely free. 1.What do the four places have in common? A.Advance reservation.B.Free admission. C.Abundant collections.D.Guided tours. 2.If you are into folk art, which place suits you best? A.National Mall.B.Notre-Dame Cathedral.


重庆南开中学2021---2022学年度(下)初2023级期中 英语质量监测 (全卷共十个大题,满分120 分,考试时间110分钟) 第I卷(共95分) II.单项选择。(本大题10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 21. ---What's ________ the. trouble with you, Mandy? ---I had ________ fight with my parents because they couldn’t understand me. A. the; a B. the; an C. /; an D. /; a 22. --- Your mom looks so happy. Could you tell me why? ---I got a good grade in English. The look of joy on my mother’s face shows her ________. A. spirit B. situation C. satisfaction D. interest 23.Thanks ________ the doctors like Zhong Nanshan, many people are saved. A. to B. of C. for D. with 24. ---The Taylors are going to ________ a lot of clothes to help homeless people ---Hope their plan ________. A. put up; works on B. give away; works on C. put up; works out D. give away; works out 25.The Internet can help kids with their study a lot as long as they can use it ________. A. completely B. usually C. properly D. recently 26. --- Do you still remember that terrible day? ---Of course. I ________ on the street at the time of the rainstorm. A. walk B. walked C.am walking D. was walking 27. They are ________ hard-working students ________ they can make their dreams come true. A.so; that B.so; as C. such; that D. such; as 28. When you find ________ in a dangerous situation, right decisions will make ________ possible for you to get out of danger. A. you; it B. you; it's C. yourself; it D. yourself;it's 29. Teachers in Nankai are very strict. They don’t allow us ________ in class. If we have some questions, we should ________ our hands first. A. talking; raise B.to talk; raise C. talking; rise D. to talk; rise 30. --- You are late again! Can you explain ________? --- I'm sorry. The reasons are different every day.? A. why you always arrive late B. why do you always arrive late C. when you arrive D. when do you arrive III.完形填空。(本大题10小题,小题1.5分,共15分) Every year when Mother’s Day cards appear in the stores, I think of my mother. She never cared much about 31 . I could just send a card or give her a call, and she'd be very happy.


2022-2023学年重庆市南开中学校高一下学期期中考试英语试题 1. Books That Changed My Life Shakespeare’s Kitchen by Lore Segal Shakespeare’s Kitchen not only reveals, sometimes surprisingly, what people were eating in Shakespeare’s time but also provides recipes that today’s cooks can easily re-create with readily available ingredients. Persuasion by Jane Austen In this novel, Anne Eliot is the daughter of a foolish noble. Their home must be rented out and Anne goes to stay with her younger sister Mary. Here she is thrown into the company of Captain Wentworth who offered to marry Anne eight years earlier. But Anne was persuaded to turn him down. He has n’t forgiven her. Anne is forced to watch the man she still loves attach himself to this and that pretty woman. The Puttermesser Papers by Cynthia Ozick Puttermesser, a woman of magic, takes some dirt from a flower pot and makes a half man and half god creature which will make her mayor of New York. During her administration, the city is free of all hate and crime, for a while. The reader who has a strong heart and stomach can stick with Puttermesser to her sad and brutal end. David Copperfield by Charles Dickens Dickens showed me what to do with my life. I was twelve when my mother read me David Copperfield about how David’s young mother dies and leaves him in the brutal step-father’s care. My favorite character is the young lawyer who responds to misfortune with cheerful goodness. That’s what I wanted to do. 1. Which book do you choose if you prefer a fantasy novel? A.Shakespeare s Kitchen.B.Persuasion. C.The Puttermesser Papers.D.David Copperfield. 2. What can we learn from the books mentioned in the text? A.People cooked and ate unhealthily in Shakespeare’s time. B.Anne and Wentworth’s love story may turn out complicated. C.Puttermesser is likely to end up living happily with her creature. D.The young lawyer holds a negative attitude towards misfortune. 3. Which column of a magazine can the text probably be found? A.Tourism. B.Literature. C.Sports. D.Entertainment.


2023年重庆市南开中学校中考一模英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单项选择 1.He dreams to be ________ professional running star when he grows up. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.This dictionary belongs to Linda and ________ is over there on the desk. A.you B.your C.yours D.yourself 3.We plan to put on a show to celebrate ________ Day to express thanks to them. A.Teacher B.Teacher’s C.Teachers D.Teachers’4.—Your face looks pale. What is the matter with you? —I ________ a cold since 2 days ago. A.caught B.have caught C.had D.have had 5.Jack does the work best among all ________ he is the least experienced. A.if B.though C.so D.until 6.Tom was advised ________ reading aloud more to improve his speaking skills. A.to try B.try C.tried D.trying 7.—________ great progress we are making! It’s unbelievable. —Listening carefully in class and reviewing the notes in time really make a difference. A.Why B.What C.How D.Who 8.—Jim, some of the flowers in the yard are dying. —Sorry, mom. The weather is too hot. They ________ yesterday. I forgot it. A.watered B.aren’t watered C.weren’t watered D.didn’t water 9.The ________ you eat, the ________ your life will be. A.healthier; happier B.more healthily; more happily C.more healthily; happier D.healthier; more happily 10.—Excuse me. Could you please tell me ________? — Yes. There is one opposite the bank. Go down the street and you won’t miss it. A.how can I get to the post office B.which is the way to the post office C.whether there is a post office near here D.where is the post office 二、完形填空


重庆市南开中学校2020-2023学年高二上学期期末考试 英语试题 一、阅读理解 How to Pack a Picnic in Paris like a Local Picnicking is a national sport in France, especially in Paris. But picnicking here is much more than throwing a couple of sandwiches, some Cokes, and a bag of chips into a grocery sack. No, like all things French, there are rules as to how to pack a picnic in Paris. How to choose a Picnic Place The best places to have Parisian picnics include parks, gardens, and along the water. And green spaces actually allow you to step foot on the grass. I am not talking about the Tuileries, the Versailles or Luxembourg Garden. On the other hand, along River Seine is quite nice, as is the Champ-de-Mars. However, no matter which setting you choose, you’ll want a blanket to go with you. Picnic Trinity The Holy Trinity of French picnics includes bread, cheese, and meat. These items are the basic elements for a perfect Paris picnic. Of course, this is France and the variety of bread, cheese, meat is enormous. It can be downright hard to choos e, but don’t be nervous. It’s not like you’re choosing the next president or anything. It’s just food. Drinks for a Picnic in Paris You may also want to bring something to drink for a perfect Paris picnic. Undeniably, wine is the most popular choice. That’s why bottles of rosé fill the store shelves and disappear just as quickly. It’s a light, refreshing, and inexpensive choice. Not a wine lover? Don’t worry! Beer is also acceptable, especially on a hot summer day. A bottle of sparkling is also good to have. So, there you have it: How to pack a picnic in Paris. However, picnicking in Paris isn’t just about stuffing your blanket with food and wine. Instead, it’s a social tradition, part of the French joie de vivre. 1. Which is the perfect place to have a picnic in Paris? A.The Tuileries.


重庆南开中学2021-2022学年度下学期期中考试初2024级英语试题 (全卷共十一个大题,总分值150分,考试时间120分钟) 第I卷(共74分) II.单项选择。(每题1分,共15分) 从A、B、CD四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 21.Eileen Gu is 18-year-old girl and she likes to play piano in her free time. A. a; the B. an; the C. a; / D. an; /---1 want to drink tea, but we don't have any at home. --I see. Lefs go to the and buy some. A. supermarket B. kitchen C. pool D. hallLucy gets up late every day, so she always has a breakfast. A. healthy B. good C. quick D. bigBecause he is too lazy, he cleans his room. A. always B. sometimes C. usually D. never---Your home is far from the school. Do you get to school the bus? -No, I get to school bike. A. at; by B. on; in C. in; on D. on; by---Mom, can I watch TV for one hour? ---Sure. Go to bed before ten because you get up early tomorrow. A. have to B. can C. mustn*t D. can't---Tim, where is your dad? ---Oh, he in the living room. A. exercise B. exercising C. is exercising D. exercisesDoctors in the hospital have much, because they need to save people's A. job; lives B. job; life C. work; lives D. work; lifeThere are too many rules at Mike's home. He can9t listen to music watch TV on school nights. A. or B. so C. and D. but---does he live from the library? --About 15 minutes9 ride. A. How long B. How much C. How D. How farOn sunny days,people come and have fun in the new park. A. hundred of B. hundreds of C. two hundreds D. two hundreds ofThe show is at 7:00 in the evening. We must there before 6:40. A. arrive in B. get to C. arrive at D. arrive


重庆市南开中学校2022-2023学年高一下学期6月期末 英语试题 一、阅读理解 When you stay at one of the eight Universal Orlando Resort hotels, it’s hard to tell where relaxation ends, and exhilaration begins. That’s because you’re close to the parks. And when you’re in the parks, you’re close to your hotel! That means you can take the day your way, without the hustle and hassle of planning everything down to the minute. So, you can do what you want- when you want. This is how you do Universal. No matter which one you choose, the fun keeps going. Check out the privileges that make every moment count. FREE Universal Express Unlimited Ride Access Premier (高级的) hotel guests, skip the regular lines at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. Breeze Into the Park Up to an Hour Earlier Hotel guests get in early each morning. Universal Studios Florida: May 27-May 28, 2023 (Up to 1 hour earlier) Universal’s Islands of Adventure: March 6-June 30, 2023 (Up to 1 hour earlier) Universal’s Volcano Bay: Jan 1-May 26, 2023 (Up to 1 hour earlier) May 27-June 30, 2023 (Up to 1 hour earlier) Be Carefree and Carry-Free Want to shop without carrying your purchases around? There’s free merchandise delivery from our shops to your Universal hotel. We’ll hold your purchases near the exit so you can easily pick them up on your way out. Your items will be ready for you at least 3 hours after purchasing during regular store hours, from 11 a.m. to midnight. Home delivery is also available via FedEx for an additional fee. Ask the cashier about this service.


重庆南开中学2020-2021学年度期中考试初2022级 II.单项选择。(每题1分,共1。分)+从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 21.---What's wrong with Bill? He is sitting there for a long time without talking to anyone else. -Don't worry. It's usual way for him to relax himself. A. /, a B. the, a C. the, an D. /.anIn order to stop hunger, many volunteers help to food at the food bank. A. give up B. give out C. put out D. put up- It's said that some students feel about the coming test. ・一That's normal. Luckily, teachers will come up with some ways to help them out. A. clear B. crazy C. nervous D. strangeThese days, parents care for their children too much. They almost them anything they need. A. provide, with B. provide, for C. offer, to D. offer, forTony still remembers that he to the radio when a stranger ran into his house. A. listens B. is listening C. listened D. was listeningMiddle schools and primary schools started to ask students to do more chores at home, because labor(劳动)education is good for their. A. development B. importance C. difference D. difficulty---Miss Zhang, I feel so sorry about shouting back to my mother when she refused to let me watch my favorite TV show. What should I do? -Since you know you are wrong say sorry to her? A. why don't B. you should C. why not D. how about---Jenny, why are you so happy today? 一Well, I got up late this morning, but a kind driver, I got to school on time. A. thanks for B. thanks to C. as a result D. because---Fm afraid I can't go to Tom's birthday party on Saturday. How about you and Tony? ---Me. And if I don*t go to his party,. A. neither, neither does Tony B. either, so does Tony C. too, so will Tony D. neither, neither will Tony---Hi, Mary. Could you please tell me? 一That*s because they are sure the better grades the kids get, the better future they may have. A.why do many parents give their kids so much pressure B.why many parents give their kids so much pressure C.how do many parents give their kids so much pressure D.how many parents give their kids so much pressureIII.完形填空。(每题1.5分,共15分) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空格内的最正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 Volunteering is a hot topic among teenagers and many students are willing to give a hand to others by volunteering. "Volunteering makes you look at the world differently. You see how 31 things can change a person's life, which makes everyone a better person.n Mason, a volunteer said. National Volunteer Week started in 1974 in America and it's held every April. It*s a time to thank volunteers for 32 they do. It is also a perfect chance to encourage others to take their first step to become a volunteer. To make the decision to take the first step can be the biggest problem. 33 they often wonder if they will be able to do well enough to meet the organization's expectations. Some people worry they don't know anyone else in the group. Not34enough time also stops some from sharing their abilities. The following tips can help if you have some of these worries when you are thinking about being a volunteer. • Start out 35 ・ Don't be under too much pressure. Don*t expect to do too much when you start volunteering. Even a few hours a month can also make a big difference to someone's life. Just take your time. •Choose an organization 36 the same interests and common ideas. ® Take part in a training meeting for new volunteers. ©Work with an experienced volunteer. He volunteered a lot more than you. He can help you completely understand how the organization 37 . O Invite your family members to serve together. It will leave great memories(回忆)to you to volunteer with them. I believe 38 of your family is able to get something fun from it. •Finally, it is important to enjoy volunteering and to remember that not all volunteer experiences are perfect. If
