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What are burdens on Chinese education?

Since in ancient China, the Chinese sees education as a stepping

stone to success and their children’s success. Especially only

when children are under a lot of pressure then they will excel in

school. There is also an unspoken code of conformity, and there is

a lot of pressure to fit in, for to be singled out is the penultimate in

humiliation, causing students to "lose face" in front of their peers.

In addition to academics, parents also try and enroll their children

in a wide variety of after-school activities to enhance their overall


Not only students but also the educational system faces heavy burdens nowadays. Chinese classrooms are typically packed with up to 50 students, and learning is often done in groups to emphasize teamwork and cooperation. Chinese schooling is also increasingly competitive, and students sit for entrance exams even at the grade school level. These excellent ones are mingled with economics, and parents work hard to ensure they can afford to send their kids to the best schools once accepted.



尤其是只有当孩子们在很大的压力下然后将excel 在学校。也是整




不仅是学生,也是教育系统如今面临沉重的负担。中国教室通常都挤满了达50 个学生,和学习常常是小组讨论,强调团队精神和合作。中国的学校教育也是竞争日益激烈,,甚至在小学一级学生参加入学考试。这些优秀的人都夹杂着经济学,和父母努力工作以确保他们能够把他们的孩子送到最好的学校接受了一次。

General Introduction to Chinese Education


Strategically placing education in primacy to the development of other items, the Chinese government formulated the policy of "developing the country through science and education," constantly deepens the reform of education system, and carries out nine-year

free education. Governments at all levels are increasing investments in education, and encourage people to run schools through any channel and manner.

" Oriented to the modernization, the world and the future" is not only the guiding principle for the development goal of Chinese education but a principle for its daily educational reform and construction.

Generally, education in China can be divided into the following stages:

Pre-school education for the 3-5 years old children in kindergartens.

Primary education for 6-11 years old children. Primary schools are usually run by local educational authorities, and in some cases, by enterprises and individuals.

Secondary school provided to 12-17 years old children. Education of this kind is conducted by local governments and various business authorities, and classified as secondary schools or vocational high schools whose graduates hold the same degree studying as graduates senior middle schools and sorts of secondary professional schools whose graduates enjoy some privileges as from colleges. In particular, public secondary schools include junior middle schools and senior middle schools, both of three years' study. Students graduating from junior schools usually go to common senior middle schools, and parts of them go to vocational high schools or secondary professional schools for 3-5 years of studying.

Higher education constituted by those for vocational college students, undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students. Higher education is performed by universities, colleges, institutes and vocational colleges. These institutes bear the three major tasks of raising courses, doing scientific researches and providing social services.





