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短文填空练习 6

British Milkman Steve Leech saved some shops and flats with milk and won a National Bravery Award.

Leech, 35 years old, said that when he was sending out milk as 1_______ along Pine Street, he suddenly heard 2_______ loud, strange sound behind him and then he saw smoke coming 3 _______ of a shop in Cornwall, southern England. "That must be a fire, I thought," Leech said. "Then I quickly decided to do something 4 __________. So I pushed the door in 5 _______ shouted at the people inside. Then I started pouring 6) _______ everywhere . "He used 320 pints of milk to stop the fire. When fire¬fighters 7_______ the shop, the fire was under control.

Leech helped save the 8 _______ of eight people in the flats above the shops. " 9_______ was hard work opening all those bottles. But it was even 10_______ trying to tell my boss where all the milk had gone," Leech said jokingly.

Today people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth . But when you use the phone, you don’t see the person you are 1_______ with. That may change 2_______ the near future .

Today some people are using 3_______ kind of telephone called the picture phone or vision phone. 4_______ it , two people who are talking can see each other.

Pictu re phones can be useful when you have something to 5_______ the person you’re calling. 6_______ may have other uses in the future . One day you may be able to ring up a librarian and ask to borrow a 7_______. Then you’ll be able to read the book right over your picture phone . Or you may be able to go shopping 8_______ your picture phone . If you see something in the newspaper that you think you want to buy, you’ll go to your phone and call the shop. People at the 9_______ will show you the thing you’re 10_______ in right over the phone . You’ll be able to shop all over town and never even leave your room !

It was getting dark. Some children and two Canadian women were still1________ on the ice near a big hotel. They were having a good time.

Suddenly the ice 2_________. One of the boys fell into the water. The children shouted, “Help! Help!” They didn’t know 3_________to do. The two Canadian friends heard 4__________and skated over to get the boy out of the water.

The ice was 5__________. The two Canadians fell into the water, too. But they tried their best to 6_________the little boy. They knew they must be 7_________. If they didn’t push him up onto the ice, he would soon die.

Many people ran over to 8_________. Some of them had ropes and poles(绳和竹竿). A young man jumped into the water to wave the 9_________people.

The boy and the two Canadian women were out of water at last. One of the women didn’t feel well. She was sent to the 10_________at once. But she felt very happy because the boy was safe.四

Dear Editor,

I used to be a doctor in the children’s department of a local 1________. Sometimes I treated children 2_________have been poisoned(中毒) by medicine for older family members. The children can easily 3_________the bottle that we now use in China.

Some days ago I talked about medicine 4_________an American. He showed 5__________a plastic pill bottle that is “Childproof”(防儿童的). The design was 6_________simple that I’m sure our Chinese factories could produce these 7_________easily. The top of the bottle locks, but can be opened 8______ pressing down on the while turning. This is 9_________for most young children to do, 10_________adults can open them without any difficulty.

I’m sure that the expense of making such tops would be very low. As a doctor, I’d l ove to see this done. And most parents would be grateful.




