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Lesson 1 Meet the family

J:J Hello, my name’s William Jenkins. This is my family. This is Karen. Karen is my wife.

K: How do you do

J; This is Lucy.

Lucy’s my daughter.

L: Hello!

J:This is my son, Robert.

R; Hi!

J:And this is Paul.

Paul’s my nephew.

P:Hello! Nice to meet you!

Lesson 3 What is it

Hey! this is good. Look, Lucy!

What is this

It’s a wheel.

No, it isn’t. Look, it’s green!It’s a hat!

OK, it’s a green hat.

Now look. What’s this

It’s a f lower. It’s a red f lower.

No, it isn’t. it’s a red umbrella.

OK, what’s that

It’s gr ey.

Is it a bird

Yes! it’s a grey bird.

No, it’s a key!

Right! I t’s a silver key.

Lesson 5 Who’s that

Who is that boy, Polly

Which boy, Annie

The boy on the silver bicycle.

That’s Robert Jenkins.

Who’s that man

Which man

The man with the black umbrella.

That’s Mr. Jenkins.He’s Robert’s father. Who’s that woman with the white umbrella That’s Mrs. Jenkins.

She’s Robert’s mother.

And who’s that girl on the red bicycle That’s Lucy Jenkins.

She’s Robert’s sister.

Look at that young man.

Who is he

Which young man

The young man in that old car.

Oh, that’s Paul.

Paul is Lucy’s cousin.

So, Paul is Robert’s cousin, too.

That’s right.

Robert is Lucy’s brother.

And Paul is their cousin.

He’s a student.

Lesson 7 Robert isn’t well罗伯特感觉不舒服Hello, Karen. How are you

I’m fine.

But Robert isn’t very well.

Oh, I’m sorry!

What’s the matter wit h him

I’m not sure. He’s very hot.

He isn’t well.

Is he hungry

No, he isn’t hungry.

Is he thirsty

Yes, he’s very thirsty.

Poor Robert. I am sorry.

What about the doctor

The doctor’s very busy.

Yes, but Robert is ill.

Perhaps not very ill.

But you are right.

Better safe than sorry.

Lesson 9 Meet the neighbors.

Hello! My name’s Paul.

Hello Paul. My name’s Claire. I’m your new neighbor. Claire, that’s a nice name.

What do you do, Claire

I’m a student. What about you

I’m a student too.

I’m at the sports academy.

What about you

I’m an art student. I

’m at the art college.

Come and meet Karen.

She’s my aunt. She’s a writer.

Karen, this is Claire.

Claire’s our new neighbor.

Hello, Claire. Nice to meet you.

Come and meet the family.
