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大家好,我叫瞿林,来自重庆市尚赏居升东物业管理有限公司,我虽然没有靓丽的外表,但我有一颗热忱为业主服务的心,我愿以诚心、耐心、细心、暖心、爱心、贴心、温馨的6+1服务,构筑起与业主心与心的沟通桥梁,守护每一位居者的幸福,就是我们努力的方向。Hello everyone,My name is Qu Lin.From the Chongqing sunsunju Property Management Co., Ltd.Although I have no beautiful appearance, But I have a dedicated service for the owners of the heart,I would like to be sincere, patient, careful, warm heart, love, caring, warm Six plus one services, To build a bridge between the heart and the heart of the owner, Guardian of the well-being of each and every one, is the direction of our efforts.


Hello everyone,I am from sunsunju property of Zhang Lian,Service is better without the best,Satisfaction is only the beginning and no end,Owners worried that we are worried ,Owners need us to come ,To meet the needs of the owners ,Is the driving force of our work.

大家好,我叫周维婷,业主们都亲切的叫我“婷婷”。家庭和美、邻里和睦、社区和谐,是我们每一位尚赏居人的心愿,我们一直秉承“像亲人一样亲切,像家人一样放心”的服务理念,不断超越,追求完美。Hello everyone,My name is Zhou Weiting. Owners are kind to call me "tingting",Family and beauty, Neighborhood harmony, Community harmony, Is the wish of every one of us from sunsunju,We have been adhering to the "like their loved ones. Like family, rest assured, "the service concept, Keep transcending and seek for perfection.
