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四年级上册Unit3Friends 2007-09-22 10:44 2007-06-04 10:46 Unit3Friends 教学内容本教学内容综合PEP 教材第二册第六单元、第三册第三单元中描述人物外貌特征等的词汇和句型,以PEP Book 3 Unit3 为蓝本而改编的。滚动复习:big, small, long, short, tall, etc. 教学单词、词组:friends, short hair, long hair, thin, strong. 本课重点句型:He \She is .... He \She has .... 设计思路根据PEP 教材第三册的有关人物描述性语言,综合各册的教学内容来上课。以“Describe your friends”为主线,逐步引导学生运用英语完成一个个有实际意义的语言任务。通过说唱,游戏,小故事,小组合作等形式来让学生对朋友这个话题有一个综合的认识,通过从词汇到句子到篇章由潜入深的学习及实践,从而能流畅地描述自己的朋友及其他朋友等。将教材延伸到实际生活,使英语课堂上朋友话题的学习有一个积极的有意义的引申,并让学生在真实的场景中自然、灵活地进行交际运用。本案特点滚动辅助拓展,使其有机结合,体现了小学生语言教学的反复性,从而提高语言教学的实效性。教学目标1. 知识技能目标a. 能听、说、认读friends, long/short hair, strong, thin 等单词和词组。b. 能听懂、会说I have a friend. He/She is .... He/She has .... 并能在实际情景中运用。c. 学会用适当的形容词描述身边的同学、朋友等。2. 情感文化目标 a. 帮助学生熟练学习自信心,养成良好的学习习惯。b. 培养学生的合作能力,积极运用所学语言表达和交流,教育学生要团结友爱,与人融洽相处。重点难点1. 学习、掌握词汇、词组,并能熟练运用。2. 借助图片、体态语等帮助学生理解词句。板书设计Friends He/She has a\two .... long He/She has short He/She is strong\thin. 此论文为四年级上三单元Part A 和B 的综合教学,利用自然的活动链将词汇和句型教学融合在一堂课内进行,充分利用了任务型活动和趣味活动来记忆和强化语言点。此教案设计比较适合学生能力较强,教师控制能力较高的地区借鉴,并在此基础上自主创新发挥任务型语言教学的优势。教学步骤和说明:课前Sing a song. T: Do you want to be my friend? (在歌声中进入英语课堂学习,轻松愉快。)Revision/Warm armStep 1. Revision/Warm-up 1. Greetings! T: Hello, everyone! I'm your new teacher, Miss Yan. Let's be good friends, OK? Boys and girls, follow me. Friends, friends, good friends!(拍手并与学生击掌) (通过教师的自我介绍和Greeting 与学生交朋友,拉近师生间的距离。带领全部挥挥手,拍拍手,活跃气氛,调动学生学习的积极性。同时教学了friends,hair. blackboard drawing 明确了主题。)2. (Blackboard drawing) T: Your new friend, Miss Yan likes drawing. What's this? Guess please.(eyes nose mouth) I have a big mouth. I have two big eyes. What about you? 3. T: Oh, you have a round face. Me too! I have a round face. I have two big eyes. Please chant with me. T: I have a round face. Ss: Round, round, round. T: I have two big eyes. Ss: Big, big, big. T: I have a small nose. Ss: Small, small, small. T: I have a big mouth. Ss: Big, big, big. Let's chant together. (教师一笔一笔地画,学生猜。设置有信息差的Guessing game,鼓励学生发散思维,让学生根据已有语言知识自由发挥。在游戏中滚动复习了有关五官的单词。引出“I have ....”句型,让学生简单讲讲自己的五官。再就老师为例合作完成chant,换种形式复习已有语言知识,为下面的新授奠定基础,形式多样有实效。)Step 2. Presentation 1. Presentation of the new words (1) T: Oh, she\he has a\two.... 板书:He\She has a\two.... (2) (Point to a girl's hair.) She has long hair. (Point to a boy's hair.) He has short hair. Let the students repeat: long /short hair 板书:He/She has long/short hair. (看教师,看周围的同学,运用最简单、最直观的教学资源引出新授内容。)2. Practice (1) T: Look at your classmates. Wha t about his or her hair? He/She has…. (2) My friend T: She has long hair. He has short hair. How about my friend? He has short hair. How about his face. A round face or a long face? Can you guess? (CAI) A round face, a long face, a small mouth, a big mouth, a long nose, a big nose, two big eyes, two small eyes, short hair, long hair.... He has.... (Ss guess—He has....) 最
