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3. 请将答案写在答题纸上。

I .听力部分(共


()8. What will the weather be like tomorrow?

()9. What time is it?



()1. A. ball

()2. A. 80

()3. A. talk about

()4. A. in the show

()5. A. 68744789


()6. Which club is Lucy in?

B. bowl

B. 18

C. 8

B. talk with

B. in the shop



C. hall

C. talk of

C. in the shoe


()7. Which country does the boy come from?


A. C.

()10. What does the man mea n?

A. He doesn ' t know what to do.

B. He wants to give Uncle Li a birthday prese nt.

C. He doesn ' t want to go to Uncle Li ' s birthday party.

()11. What day is it tomorrow?

A. Tuesday.

B. Wednesday.

C. Thursday.

()12. How long does it take the girl to get to school?

A. Fiftee n minu tes.

B. Half an hour.

C. An hour. ()13. What does Sandy have for breakfast?

A. Bread, milk and an apple.

B. Bread, juice and an apple.

C. Cake, milk and an 即ple.

()14. How ofte n does Amy do morning exercises?

A. Ever y day.

B. Sometimes.

C. Seldom.

()15. When was Sim on born?


1. Aunt Liu ______________ (唤醒)her son up at 6 o ' clo

2. We read a lot of Chinese _______________ (英雄) stories End of the War of Resista nee aga inst Japa nese Aggressi on

3. You ' re late again. Can you tell me the ____________

4. Mrs.Zhang is a good teacher. She teaches _________________ B 根据句意,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。

5. Frank is ______________ (real) ill today. He has to stay at home and take a rest. (swim) Club. They want to be good swimmers like 7. Please give my best ____________ (wish) to your frie nd for me, my dear child. 8. The stude nts in our school visit the Wuxi Museum ___________ (two) a year. 三、单项选择(本大题共14分,每小题1分)

()1. --- Would you like ______________ oran ge, Gran dpa?

--- Yes, I ' d like to have ___________________ .

A. a; an

B. an; an

C. a; one

()2. It rained heavily ______________ a cold evening _____________ 2008.

A. on; in

B. on; at

C. at; on ()3. --- Is Sandy your classmate?

---Yes. She sits betwee n Tom and ____________ .

A. On October 31st.

B. On March 8th.

C. On May 1st.

三、根据你所听到的短文,选择正确答案。(本大题共 5分,每小题1分)

()16. What ' s Nancy ' s school like?

A. Big and clea n.

B. Small and bright

C. Small and beautiful.

()17. What do the stude nts do in the playgrou nd?

A. They play sport.

B. They have meet in gs.

C. They read books.

()18. What do the students do after lunch?

A. They go to the library.

B. They take a walk.

C. They do homework.

()19. Where is the classroom build in g?

A. Behind the school hall.

B. Beside the school hall.

C. In front of the school hall.

()20. What does Nancy thi nk of her teachers?

A. They are polite.

B. They are friendly and kind.

C. They are in teresti ng.

( ( ( ( (


( (

( ( 、单词辨音(本大题共

)1. A. hobby _ )2. A. biology_ )3. A. cute _ )4. A. master )5. A. enjoy_ )6. A. house _ )7. A. re ady )8. A. world __B. word 分

II •,每小题 笔试部分(共80分)

0.5 分) B .

cross C. front D. b ookshop B. history C. buildi ng D. s lim

B . stude nt C. usually D. club

B . match C. after

D. class B . tennis C. best D. l etter B . cousin C. out D. a bout B . each C. bread

D. h ead )9. A. tomatoes B. picnics

C. desks )10. A. En glish

B. drink_ 、词汇运用(一本大题共8分,每小题

A 、根据句意和中文注释,写出单词的正确形式。

C. monkey

D. worker

D. cup 乞

D. hand

ck every morning.

before the 70th Anniversary of




(我们)Chinese this term (学期). 6. They are in the Huan ghe Sun Yang. D. an; one D. in; at

C. short

