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I. 人称代词:人称代词又分为主格和宾格形式.主格通常做主语。宾格通常做动词或介词的宾语.

Eg: a. I’m a nurse.

b.Could you help me ?

c.Mum often takes us to the park on Sunday.

d.It’s a cat. We call it “ Mimi.”

e.Who knows him ?

f.They are going to the cinema with her.

II. 物主代词又分为形容词性的物主代词和名词性的物主代词.



Eg: a. Your school is small, mine is big.(=my book)

b. This is not your pen. Yours is on the desk.(=your pen)

c. whose book is that ? It’s hers. (=her book)

d. Their classroom is on the second floor. Ours is on the third floor.(=our classroom)

e. Her bike is black. His is grey. Mine is blue.(=his bike, my bike)

g.Those aren’t our books. Ours are on the floor. Those books are

their.(=our /their books )

*人称代词划线,常用who (宾格可用whom)提问.物主代词划线常用whose 提问。




you ------- he/she/it -------- I

eg: You,he and I should return on time.


第一人称------- 第二人称-------第三人称


III.指示代词: this 这个, that 那个these这些those那些

EX I : 用所给代词的正确形式填空.

1.__________am a monkey. Do you like _________?

__________name Gogo. This house is ______________. (I )

2.The teacher ask __________some questions, but

________can’t answer. (we).

3.The girl is from Canada. _________name is Betty. The man is

_______father . we like ________very much. (she)

4.Are these _____________(you) things ? NO, they are

__________( she).

5.Daming’s bag is blue. This yellow one isn’t ____________.


6.Don’t thank __________(I ) , thank ___________(he),

7.___________names are Lucy and Lily. _________are from

the USA. __________live in China with __________parents not.


8.This is Liu Ming’s dog. ________name is Cody. Liu Ming likes

_______very much. He often takes ________to the street.

9.________are students. __________school is No. 2 Middle

School. ________have eight classes every day. This classroom is ___________. The teachers are very kind to _____________.(we)

10._________is our English teacher. We call _________Miss

Smith. _________daughter is very lovely. We like ________lessons very much. (she)

11.The man is English. _________name is John Brown. The

people call __________Mr. Brown. _________works in Beijing now.

12.This isn’t __________coat. ___________is purple. ( I ).

13.----Is this_______________(you) pencil ?

14.----No. It’s not __________(I ) . I think it’s ___________(she ).

15.Look at _________. What’s in ___________hands ? (he).

16.Whose desks are those ? __________are _____________/ (they )

17.___________( I ) English teacher is a man. __________(he) is a woman.

18.There are three people in Li Lei’s family. __________are ___________parents and ___________. ________has a very happy family.

19._________father and mother look after ____________.

(I )

20.That’s not ___________chair. ___________is over there. ( you)

21.__________(we) are in Class One. ___________(they ) are in Class Two. __________(we) classroom is bigger than ___________(they). _________(we) often play basketball with _____________(they ).

22.She is a friend of ____________(I ). I often go shopping with _________(she). _______(she) house is next to ______________(I ).

23.There is a shop near ___________school. The people in the shop are very friendly to ____________. _______often bus school thing there. (we)

24.Tha t’s very kind of ________. Thank ______for __________help. (you)

25.__________(I ) computer is broken. What about _____________(you)?

26._________(she) parents are teachers. __________(I ) are workers.

27.This pencil is not __________. ___________is at home.

28.The twins are from India. _________parents are doctors. _________go to school by bike. These two bikes are ____________.

29.I’ve got a good friend. ________is a girl. ______name is Sally. _________mother is an English teacher. We like _________very much.

30.What’s this ? ________is a bird. _______name is Polly.

31._________are going to see a film . would you like to go with ________? (we)

32._______(she) father works in a hotel. _____(he) works in

a university.
