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The main parts of a thermoelectric plant are fuel
handling and transportation facilities, boiler unit (department), engine department, chemical water treatment department, industrial water supply system, slag-and-ash removal system, electrical engineering equipment (generators, main distributing unit and distributing unit for local requirements), auxiliary departments (maintenance repair shop, heat-control department, motor transport repair shop. etc.). fuel handling and transportation facilities燃料处理和 传输设备 boiler unit锅炉部分 engine department引擎部分(汽轮机) chemical water treatment department水化学处理部分 slag-and-ash removal system灰渣移除系统
Large-scale CPP intended for supplying a power
system are called district power plants. Thermoelectric plants employ extraction turbines and produce electric and thermal energy. district power plants地区发电站 Extraction turbines 抽气式汽轮机
Furnace refuses are discharged from ash-and-slag

bunkers to slag-and-ash-removal system 25 and transported outside the power plant boundary. The boiler is fed with water from feed water tank 16 by feed pump 17. Furnace refuses炉膛的灰烬 ash-and-slag bunkers灰渣仓 transported outside the power plant boundary运出电 厂 feed water tank给水箱 feed pump给水泵
The combustion products of the fuel pass through the

gas ducts of the boiler, steam superheater 8, economizer 9, air preheater 10 and are then discharged into the atmosphere through chimney stack 1. The combustion products of the fuel煤燃烧的产物 gas ducts of the boiler锅炉的气道(烟道) steam superheater蒸汽过热器 Economizer省煤器 discharged into the atmosphere through chimney stack 通过烟囱排到大气层

按照汽轮机的热力特征分类 (1)、凝汽式汽轮机:蒸汽在汽轮机内膨胀做功以后,除小部分轴封漏气外,全部进入凝汽器凝结成水的 汽轮机.实际上为了提高汽轮机的热效率,减少汽轮机排汽缸的直径尺寸,将做过功的蒸汽从汽轮机内 抽出来,送入回热加热器,用以加热锅炉给水,这种不调整抽汽式汽轮机,也统称为凝汽式汽轮机. (2)、抽汽凝汽式汽轮机:蒸汽进入汽轮机内部做过功以后,从中间某一级抽出来一部分,用于工业生产 或民用采暖,其余排入凝汽器凝结成水的汽轮机,称为一次抽汽式或单抽式汽轮机.从不同的级间抽出 两种不同压力的蒸汽,分别供给不同的用户或生产过程的汽轮机称为双抽式(二次抽汽式)汽轮机. (3)、背压式汽轮机:蒸汽进入汽轮机内部做功以后,以高于大气压力排除汽轮机,用于工业生产或民用 采暖的汽轮机. (4)、抽汽背压式汽轮机:为了满足不同用户和生产过程的需要,从背压式汽轮机内部抽出部分压力较 高的蒸汽用于工业生产,其余蒸汽继续做功后以较低的压力排除,供工业生产和居民采暖的汽轮机. (5)、中间再热式汽轮机:对于高参数、大功率的汽轮机,主蒸汽的除温、初压都比较高,蒸汽在汽轮机 内部膨胀到末几级,其湿度不断增大,对汽轮机的安全运行很不利,为了减少排气湿度,将做过部分功的 蒸汽从高压缸中排出,在返回锅炉重新加热,使温度接近初始状态,然后进入汽轮机的的低压缸继续做 功,这种汽轮机称为中间再热式汽轮机.
Before being delivered to service bunkers, fuel is

crushed in a crusher. From the service bunkers, the fuel is sent to hammer mills 5 where it is ground, then dried and blown into boiler furnace 6 in the form of air-dust moisture. fuel is crushed in a crusher煤被粉碎机粉碎 hammer mills锤磨车间 Ground研磨 air-dust moisture空气和煤粉的混合物
Thermoelectric plants are usually built in cities and
Fra Baidu bibliotek
towns at the center of heat loads, while district power stations are located in the regions of fuel production if water supply sources are available. If a district is supplied from a power system, heat is produced by industrial and heating boiler units. at the center of heat loads在热负荷中心 in the regions of fuel production在燃料(煤)的产区 heating boiler units加热用的锅炉
For district heat supply (of industrial plants), steam
extracted from turbines (T,II, and IIT turbines) or from back-pressure (backpressure turbines P) is utilized. The production of electric and thermal energy is of hybrid nature. (of industrial plants)用于工业生产的 back-pressure背压式 is of hybrid nature混合的形式
There are two types of steam turbine power plants:

condensing and heat-electric generating plants (thermoelectric plants). Condensing power plants (CPP) are based on condensing turbines. They mainly produce electric power. steam turbine power plants汽轮机发电站 Condensing凝气式 heat-electric generating plants热电站 are based on condensing turbines.基于凝气式汽轮机
On its way to the boiler drum, water passes through
high-pressure heater 13and the economizer. Saturated steam is sent from boiler drum 7 to steam superheater 8. After that steam flows to turbine 19. On its way to the boiler drum在它(水)到达锅炉汽 包的过程中 high-pressure heater高压过热器 Saturated steam饱和蒸汽
山东交通学院电气系 张建军

extract [ɪkˈstræ kt]v. 抽汽;提取; (费力地) 拔出; 选取; 获得; hybrid [ˈhaɪbrɪd] a. 混合式;杂种; 杂交生成的生物体; 混合物; 混合词; slag [slæ g] n. 渣 auxiliary [ɔ:gˈzɪliəri]n. (常用PL)辅机,辅助设备;补充的; 附加的; 副的; exhauster n. 抽气(风)机 bunker [ˈbʌŋkə(r)] n. 煤仓;沙坑; 地堡; 燃料库; hammer mill 锤磨机 boiler drum 锅炉气包 economizer [ɪ'kɒnəˌmaɪzə]n. 省煤器,节能器;节约者,节约装置,经济家; blower n. 吹风机 deaerator [di:'eɪəreɪtə]n. 除氧机,空气(油气)分离机 ;脱气器; generator n. 发电机 schematic a. 图解的, 示意的 refuse [rɪˈfju:z]n. 残渣;拒绝; 回绝; 推却; saturated [ˈsæ tʃəreɪtɪd]a. 饱和的;浸透的; ( saturate的过去式和过去分词) 使饱和; 使充满; circulate [ˈsɜ:kjəleɪt]v. 循环(;使) 流通; (使) 流传; 散布; winding n. 线圈,绕组 exciting a. 励磁的; 使人兴奋的,令人激动的; stator ['steɪtə] n. 定子 固定片 e.m.f. 电动势 switch-gear n. 开关 correlated[ˈkɒrəleɪt] a. 相互有关的;相关物; 相关联的人; specification [ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]n. 技术规范说明;规格; 详述;
Fig.3.1 represents the schematic diagram of a

condensing power plant utilizing a solid fuel. Freight cars deliver fuel to receiving -unloading track 26 where it is unloaded to service bunkers 4 or to the fuel storehouse. the schematic diagram流程图 Freight cars厢式货车 receiving -unloading track传送带 it is unloaded to service bunkers煤被卸到服务煤仓