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1.Which animal does Kitty like best?

2.When is Nancy’s birthday?

3.What’s the weather like tomorrow?

4.What is Simon doing?

5. What’s Daniel going to do first?

A. Go out for dinner.

B. Finish a report.

C. Go for a trip.

6. What does Lily think people in poor areas need most?

A. Books.

B. Health care.

C. Cars.

7. What should Lucy do with her computer?

A. Send it to the shop.

B. Repair it by herself.

C. Restart it.

8. How long does Tom need to finish the task?

A. 0.5 hour

B. 1 hour

C. 1.5 hours

9. What does the Sandy dislike about in Canada?

A. The weather

B. The food

C. The language

10. Why does Millie advise Mike to give up smoking?

A. Because it is a waste of money.

B. Because it is a bad example to children.

C. Because it is bad for her health.




11. What caused the fire?

A. Car accident.

B. Stoves.

C. Lightning.

12. When did the house catch fire?

A. In the morning.

B. In the afternoon.

C. In the evening

14. A. drawing B. swimming C. drinking water

15. A. factories B. the museum C. a market


16. How long will the students stay with the families in London?

A. For one month.

B. For one week.

C. For two weeks.

17. How much money should each student take?

A. $350.

B. $530.

C. $503.

18. What should the students wear when they arrive?

A. Red shirts.

B. Red skirts.

C. Y ellow shirts.

19. What is also important for every student to take except money?

A. The school letter and four photos of oneself.

B. Five photos and some letters to the school.

C. Four photos in the letter.

20. What is the phone number of the school office?

A. 5804446.

B. 5804436.

C. 5084436.



21. On April 26, 2017, China’s first homemade aircraft carrier (航空母舰) hit the water in Dalian, Liaoning. It is ______ largest and best ship China has ever built. And it was ______ great success.

A. a; /

B. the; a

C. a; a

D. the; /

22.---How kind it was _____ you to look after the dog for me while I was away?

---Y ou’re welcome. It’s necessary _____ us to help each other any time.

A. of; for

B. of; of

C. for; of

D. for; for

23. The physics teacher asked us to get _________ to him and watch _______.

A. close; close

B. closely; close

C. close; closely

D. closely; closely

24. —Did your brother _______ the competition yesterday? —Y es, but he only finished _______.

A. take part; fifth

B. join; five

C. join in; five

D. join; fifth

25. So many people lived in the small room that there was ______for the desk.

A. no place left

B. not place left

C. no place leave

D. not any place living

26. — ________good information! — I have never heard ________ wonderful news.
