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II. Grammar

Direction: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.


Merriam-Webster defines a princess as a “member of a royal family”, “the wife of a prince” or “usually an attractive girl or woman who 21_________(treat) with special attention”.

Nowhere in that traditional definition 22________ the words “spunk”, “drive” or “determination” appear. And yet the latest Walt Disney animation Moana seems determined to redefine 23_________a princess is all about.

In Moana, Disney’s latest movie provides a posi tive spin on the princess spirit. The CG (Computer Graphics) -animated musical film follows 24________adventures of the headstrong teenage daughter of a Pacific Island chief and her struggles to find her identity.

25_________ the daughter of Chief Tui, Moa na is expected to follow her village’s traditions and rules, including the one her father 26_________(emphasize) since she was an infant: “Don’t go beyond the reef.”

Unfortunately for Moana –27_________name just happens to be the word for “ocean” in many Polynesian languages – she is drawn to the water, which she finds wondrous and exciting.

When the food supply for the island suddenly becomes depleted, Moana sets forth on a journey inspired by *ancestral tales of once-mighty *demigod Maui who may help her save her island home.

The story, 28_________(inspire) by the history and traditions of the Pacific, is a breath of fresh ocean air for everyone exhausted by the too-familiar princess-on-a-mission Disney trope. From birth, Moana is a respected part of her community, and her parents and grandmother are proud of who she is and the fact 29________ she will one day make a fantastic chief, just like her father and his father before him. There is no love interest for Moana –she doesn’t need one.

More importantly, 30________ mothers and fathers tell their daughters what it means to be a princess, the words “adventurous,” “*tenacious” and “compassionate” can now be added to the definition.


The “space race” took place between the United States and the forme r Soviet Union. Both countries competed to see which would be the first 31__________ (land) a person on the Moon.

Early space ventures were limited to satellites that orbited the planet Earth. The Soviets launched the world’s first satellite on October 4,1957; Sputnik I orbited Earth more than a thousand times 32_________ it plunged back into the planet’s atmosphere and burned up. The United States’ first satellite was Explorer 1, launched the following January.

In 1959, both the United States and the Soviet Union succeeded in achieving their goal of sending spacecraft called probes beyond Earth’s gravitational pull. The Soviet Luna 1, Launched on January 2, passed the Moon and 33_________(continue) through space. Two months later, the United States launched Pioneer 4, which followed the same path as Luna.34_________eventually entered orbit around the Sun.
