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16. ---How do you go to _______ school?

---I usually take _______ bus.

A.the, a B./, a C. a, a D. the, /

17. —Is there _______ in today’s newspaper?

— Oh, no, nothing.

A. interesting something

B. something interesting

C. anything interesting

D. interesting anything

18. ---How about _______ in the river with us?

---Sorry I can’t.My parents often tell me not to do that.

A. swim

B. swims

C. swimming

D. swam

19.He had bread for breakfast this morning, _______ he?

A. hadn’t

B. didn’t

C. wasn’t

D. doesn’t

20. --- Do you know _______? --- Next year.

A. will when he come here

B. when he will come here

C. where will he come here

D. when he comes here.

21. Excuse me. Could you tell me if you _______ our party tomorrow evening?

A. will come

B. come

C. comes

D. to come

22. I have been to that tall and modern building _______ my father works.

A. which

B. where

C. that

D. when

23.—Tony, you must stop watching TV and do your homework.

— I _______ it already.

A. finished

B. have finished

C. finishes

D. am finishing

24. — Is that your best friend Simon?

—No, it _______be him. He flew to London yesterday.

A. mustn’t

B. may not

C. can’t

D. needn’t

25. She always does her homework _______ than her brother.

A. more careful

B. careful

C. carefully

D. more carefully


Last summer holidays, my classmates and I helped with a charity show(慈善会). Its aim was to raise money for those children 26 couldn’t go to school in poor areas. We did a lot for that.

I felt happy when I 27 to be the host. Though it was exciting, I was very nervous because of the TV cameras. I knew that lots of people 28 to watch the show, also there would be a large audience in front of the TV.

As some famous stars would come to the show, one of my duties was to introduce each of them.

I also had some other things to do. So I often worked 29 morning to night. It was hard work,

30 I was happy.

I practised a lot before the show. I had to remember all the words and do everything right at the same time. At first, I thought I would never be able to do it well. I kept 31 myself not to be nervous. Slowly everything became easier.

The big day came very 32 . Hundreds of people came to the show. They donated (捐赠) money and materials. And the local businesses also gave 33 a lot of support. 34 generous they are!

After the show, we sent the donations to those poor 35 . Soon they wrote back. They were really grateful to us. I was very proud that I could help them. I hope more and more people will help them.

26. A. that B. whom C. who D. whose

27. A. choose B. chose C. am chosen D. was chosen

28. A. come B. will come C. coming D. would come

29. A. from B. in C. at D. on

30. A. or B. but C. and D. so

31. A. tell B. telling C. told D. to tell

32. A. fast B. fastly C. fastest D.faster

33. A. we B. us C. our D. ourselves

34. A. How B. What C. How a D. What a

35. A. child B.childs C. childrens D. children

三、完形填空(共10 小题,10 分;每小题1分

先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36 ~45各题所给的A、B、C和D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Julia was a student. It was going to be her mother’s birthday. She wanted to buy her a 36 that would be nice and useful but not expensive.

After a quick and simple lunch, she went shopping. At last, she found a shop that was selling cheap umbrellas(雨伞) and she 37 to take a black one. She thought, “Mom can carry it when she is wearing clothes of any colour.

On her way home on the train she felt 38 because she had so little for lunch. So she went to the buffet car. She 39 the umbrella on her seat. But when she got back, it wasn’t there. Julia began to cry. The other passengers felt very sorry for her and asked 40 was the matter. She told them the black umbrella she bought for her mother had 41 , and she had to 42 at the next station. After the three passengers heard this, they asked her for her mother’s 43 so that they could send the umbrella to her if someone took it by 44 and brought it back.

A week later, Julia got a 45 from her mother. It said “Thank you for your lovely gifts, but why do you send me three black umbrellas?”

36. A. pen B. present C. cake D. watch

37. A. liked B. seemed C. decided D. tried

38. A. hungry B. happy C. angry D. tired

39. A. forgot B. made C. left D. found

40. A. which B. why C. where D. what

41. A. bought B. gone C. sold D. came

42. A. get off B. get on C. take on D. take off

43. A. work B. address C. favourite D. problem

44. A. chance B. hand C. trick D. mistake

45. A. gift B. book C. letter D. pen


