新概念英语青少版2B unit16课件精编版

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on the phone on the computer on the radio
on the TV
talk about sb./sth. 谈论…
talk to(强调一方说一 方听)/with(强调双方
的交流) sb. 和…讲话
talk of sth. 谈及…
arrive是不及物动词。arrive at接大地点,arrive in 接小地点。
清音后/ t /(声带不阵动) 浊元后/ d /(声带振动) /t/ /d/ 后面读/Id/
Sum up 实义动词一般过去时各类句型
1. They arrived/arriv百度文库 at five o'clock. 2. You never help/helped Annie. 3. We really enjoy/enjoyed our holidays. 4. They like/liked eating at the Chinese
Unit 16
What’s your middle name
first finger
These are key s.
This is a car key .
This is a house key .
英文名字书写 1.英美国家名字书写:姓在前,名在后
• 4) They reached the top of the mountains. 他们到达了山顶。
Karen : Then I looked for my car keys.
I looked in my bag, in my coat,
in the kitchen, everywhere.
William: And where were they?
1.一般在动词尾加ed helped looked watched
2.以不发音e结尾只加d arrived used loved lived moved
3.辅音字母+y结尾时,y变i,加ed studied cried try-tried copy-copied
4.重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母时, 双写该辅音字母后加ed
reach 是及物动词,后面必须接表地点的名词做宾 语。
1) We arrived at the station five minutes late. 我们到车站晚了五分钟。 2) They will arrive in Paris next Monday. 他们将于下周星期一到达巴黎。
• 3) How can I get to the post office? 我怎样才能到达邮局。(get必须和to 连用才有到达之意)
Karen: Oh, but I am! I’m sillyall the time .
Believe me!
Karen: I did something very silly this morning. I picked up some shopping in town.
还 记

William Jefferson Clinton
middle name
first name
last name
(很多场合中间名往往略去不写 )
2.汉语名字的英语写法:①姓在前,名在后 ②名在前,姓在后
1. In Chinese,the family name is first and the given name is last.
He Jiong
Li Lianjie Lianjie Li
Zhuge Liang
William: Is there something wrong, Karen? Karen: It’s OK. I’m being silly. William: That’simpossible .
You’re never silly.
look 短语总结 look
at for
Karen: They were in my hand!
The key-ring was on my little finger. William, ‘Silliness’ is my middle nam
动词过去式变化,还记得吗? 一起复习吧!
Family name(Last name)+Given name(First name)
2. In English,the given name is first and the family name is last.
Given name(First name)+Family name(Last name)
restaurant. 5. On Monday,we pick/picked up the
shopping. 6. I finish/finished at five thirty on Friday. 7. I always call/called her on her mobile. 8. We turn/turned on the TV at teatime.
Karen: Then, Daisy called me on my mobile, and we talked about the weekend. We discussed plans for Saturday. Then we finished the call.
“on +通讯工具” 表示“在… 上”
的 变

Karen: I arrived home at about 10 o’clock, and parked the car in the drive. I unclocked the house with my house keys.
arrive at/ in的用 法区别是什么?