新概念英语1-4册词汇表(2015全英英解释, 阶梯词汇版)

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答复:以下是对于一个单词所需要掌握的内容: 以单词 为例子: 需要掌握的内容 掌握单词其拼写 apple 英文解释:a hard round fruit that has
red, light green, or yellow skin and is white inside
答复:是的,比较难。为了能够更好的让你完成这种过渡,我们准备了以下的分享的文档(具体 细节请与作者联系): 内容 简介及作用 基础、基础提高和中高级部分(共五本内容),对于学 习和掌握英语的基本词汇知识非常有帮助
网页的英英解释的带图片的单词卡 + 集成在网页上的美 式及英式 mp3 发音,可以免费查询各个英语单词,英英 解释,并且带有图片和相关的例句。
、更加全面地掌握单词的各种搭配以及切合语境的应用(动词和介词如何搭配?形容词如何用更 贴切?常用词一词多义,活学活用等问题都可以在字典里找到答案。)。在考试中,你能够非常 非常精准的理解为什么要选哪个答案,而其它的答案不能选。仅通过中文解释是看不出的,只能 查英英词典,用英英方式去理解,才能真正找到根源。 本文由美英桥原创。
对于抽像的复杂的单词,需要用简单的单词进行解释。但英文毕竟不是我们的母语,所以美英桥网除了 用英英解释外,还附有相关的图片,以使更加友好的理解它。 如果还是不能理解,你可以看一个中文的解释,帮助你用英文去理解。 在你学单词的过程中,往往只掌握了其中的一项或者几项,没有掌握完全。
用英英理解太难了,如何Biblioteka Baidu能更简单一点?
简介: 本文以原版的中英文词汇表为基础进行的全英文解释的转换并进行分类,转换的过程有以下规则: 、本文以单词的长度为标准,进行阶梯的分类及排列; 、如果同一单词有不同意义和不同词性,那么会单独分开进行解释; 、还有音标,但相关的美式及英式发音不能集成在文档中,如需要,请与作者联系; 、有相关的例句,但由于格式原因被去掉,如需要原始文档,请与作者联系;
新概念英语 1-4 册词汇表(2015 全英英解释, 阶梯词汇版)
那些难记的单词,要么比较长,要么拼写没有规律,或者两都兼有。 我们在记忆词汇表是,往往按照从 A-Z 的方式进行,但这种排列方式有利于电脑排 序,而不利于大脑记忆。 其实我们可以按照拼写的难易程度进行背诵,先简单,后复杂,采用排除法。这样, 先完成简单的单词,再突破那些复杂的单词,可以将重点的时间放在那些难记的单词 上面,效率提高。 你如果不信,试试吧!
pron verb verb verb interjection preposition preposition, adverb preposition pronoun pron determiner prep
of on on on on on so so so so so
prep prep prep adj,adv adj,adv adj,adv adv,conj adv adv adv adv
说明 拼写是写作的基础,同时也 与阅读紧密相关。 当出现这个单词时,你能够 知道这个单词代表什么意 思。 如果直接用英文思维的方式 去理解:apple > 自然界 的具体形像 如果用中文去理解: apple>苹果>自然界的具 体形像,中间有一道翻译的 转换过程
中文解释:苹果 掌握单词其意思 相关图片:
答复:实际上,如果每个单词只有 到 个字母组成,那也就意味这个单词不长,当然比较好背。 推广到英文词汇,我们先背短字母的,容易的单词,给自己增加信心,再背长字母的单词,可以集中精 力重点突破,这样更有效率。 本文由美英桥原创。
答复:打个比方,英汉词汇表就好比是一个人学走路时用的拐杖,在刚开始的时候可能还有点 用,但如果要真正学会走路最终还是要扔掉拐杖,去接触英英解释的词汇表,去接触真实的英语环境。 使用英英词汇表还有以下好处: 、节省你学词汇表的时间,提高你学词汇的效率,并且能够养成英英思维的良好习惯:你是用旧 的英文单词理解新的英文单词,在记忆新的单词时,顺便已经复习了旧的单词;同时没有母语的 影响,也就没有思维的转换过程,你的记忆效率非常会非常高。 、更加深刻地理解词汇(中文和英文并非就真能一一对应,很多词非常微妙,细微差别在中文翻 译中体察不出来)
I am go go hi in in in it me my of
/aɪ/ /m, əm strong æ m/ /gəʊ/ US /goʊ/ /gəʊ/ US /goʊ/ /haɪ/ /ɪn/ /ɪn/ /ɪn/ /ɪt/ /mi strong miː/ /maɪ/ /əv, ə strong ɔv $ əv, ə strong $ ɑːv/ /əv, ə strong ɔv $ əv, ə strong $ ɑːv/ /ɔn US ɑːn, ɔːn/ /ɔn US ɑːn, ɔːn/ /ɔn US ɑːn, ɔːn/ /ɔn US ɑːn, ɔːn/ /ɔn US ɑːn, ɔːn/ /səu US sou/ /səu US sou/ /səu US sou/ /səu US sou/ /səu US sou/
基础原版语法:图像化的基本英语语法(图像版),让 让你能够非常有兴趣去体会原版的语法书; 提高部分语法:全英文版,非常适合原汗原味的学习英 语语法。 分享的原版英文语法书至少 5 本电子书。
本分享的资料有三个基本特点: A、全图片化; B、原版的英文资料,带有原版的美式或者英式发音 mp3,原汁原味; C、词汇量非常适合听力考试与 BBC,VOA 的基础听力部 分,内容非常符合考试听力考试的各个考点掌握的内 容。 如果学生能够反复学习并且掌握,基本能够保证考试的 听力能够取得理想成绩。 常用的英语词根,英英解释,让你的词汇量会指数级的 增长! 《可视化写作技巧》及《从想法到文章的写作》
可视化写作技巧:图文并茂的说明如何组织写作及相关 技巧 分享的原版英文语法书至少 5 本电子书。
相关的文档由于篇幅或者上传限制的原因可能不完整,请发邮件至 2487452826@qq.com 索取(请注意 要索取的文档内容)。
当听到 apple 的发音,你能够听
/'æ pəl/
懂,并在脑海中形成 apple 的形 像。
Ben was always the apple of his father's eye(loved very much ).
一个单词可能有多种词性及 多种意思。美英桥的处理方 法是将其分开处理。 单词只有放在句子中才真正 有意义,而多个句子组成文 章。
verb,noun noun verb,noun noun noun adv noun noun determiner, pron verb noun verb,noun noun noun noun verb verb verb adj adj adj adj adj noun noun noun noun noun
act act act age age ago air ant any are arm arm art art art ask ask ask bad bad bad bad bad bar bar bar bar bat
/æ kt/ /æ kt/ /æ kt/ /eɪdʒ/ /eɪdʒ/ /ə'gəu US ə'gou/ /eəʳ/ US /er/ /æ nt/ /'eni/ /ə strong ɑː $ ər strong ɑːr/ /ɑːm US ɑːrm/ /ɑːm US ɑːrm/ /ɑːt US ɑːrt/ /ɑːt US ɑːrt/ /ɑːt US ɑːrt/ /ɑːsk US æsk/ /ɑːsk US æsk/ /ɑːsk US æsk/ /bæ d/ /bæ d/ /bæ d/ /bæ d/ /bæ d/ /bɑː US bɑːr/ /bɑː US bɑːr/ /bɑː US bɑːr/ /bɑː US bɑːr/ /bæ t/
词汇表特别说明:由于篇幅所限,没有相关例句,如需要,请发邮件索取 Excel 有例 句的文档。
/ə strong eɪ/
indefinite article
used to show that you are talking about someone or something that has not been mentioned before, or that your listener does not know about used by the person speaking or writing to refer to himself or herself the first person singular of the present tense of the verb be leave a place, especially in order to travel to somewhere else travel or move to another place used as an informal greeting, usually to people who you know during part or all of a period of time inside or towards the inside of a container, place or area involved or connected with a particular subject or activity (as subject or object) the thing, animal or situation which has already been mentioned used by the person speaking or writing to refer to himself or herself of or belonging to me (= the speaker or writer) used to show possession, belonging or origin showing distance from something in place or time about a particular subject show that something is in a position above something else and touching it used to say that someone continues to do something or something continues to happen, without stopping if a machine, light etc is on, it is operating if you have something on, you are wearing it before you give an explanation for the action just mentioned in this way; like this express the meaning 'in the same way' or 'in a similar way' and for that reason; therefore very, extremely, or to such a degree
do something for a particular purpose, or to behave in the stated way law that has been officially accepted by Parliament or Congress play a part; to perform in a film, play, etc the number of years someone has lived or something has existed one of the particular periods of someone's life or history used to show how far back in the past something happened the mixture of gases around the Earth, that we breathe a small insect that lives in large groups some, or even the smallest amount or number of or one of or each the present tense and plural of 'be' one of the two long parts of your body between your shoulders and your hands provide weapons for yourself, an army, a country etc in order to prepare for a fight or a war the use of painting, drawing, sculpture etc to represent things or express ideas paintings, drawings and or relating to object or skill e skill of drawing or painting expect or demand something request or invite someone to go somewhere with you or to come to your home put a question to someone, or to request an answer from someone harmful to eat because of being decayed (of people or actions) evil or morally unacceptable low quality; not acceptable causing or experiencing pain unpleasant; causing difficulties or harm a counter where alcoholic drinks or food are served a place where especially alcoholic drinks are sold and drunk a small block of solid material that is longer than it is wide length of metal or wood put across a door, window etc to keep it shut or to prevent people going in or out a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at night