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第一节根据所听内容,选择相应的图画. (5分)






第二节听句子,选择最佳答语(5分) 。听下面五段对话,回答每段对话所提的问题.

( ) 6. Is Mr. Smith Tom’s father?

A. Yes, he is.

B. No, he isn’t.

C. Yes, they are.

( ) 7. What’s that in English?

A. a computer.

B. a card.

C. a notebook.

( ) 8. Whose pencil is this?

. A. Peter’s. B. Toney’s. C. Jim’s.

( )9. Where is Mike’s ruler?

A. on the desk.

B. in the desk .

C.in the backpack.

( )10.How much is the hat?

A. ten dollars.

B.fifteen dollars.

C. nineteen dollars.


()11.What time does Bill usually get up ?

A. at 6:00

B. at 6:30

C. at 7:00

()12. Does Bill go to school at seven o’clock?

A.Yes,she does.B.No,she doesn't.C.Yes,she is.


()13. What’s Mary’s favorite subject?


()14. Why does Mary like English?

A. Because it’s relaxing.

B. Because it’s interesting.

C. Because she likes her teacher.

()15. Who is nick’s math teacher?

A. Miss brown.

B. Miss black.

C. Mr. green

第三节, 听下面一段材料,将第16至20小题的信息补充完整,每小题不超过三个单



A)单项填空(10分) 从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并写在答题卡上。

( )21、Julie her English test last week.

A. study for

B. studied for

C. studies

D. studied to

( )22. Hi, Mary, long time _______ see.

A.not B.didn’t C.don’t D. no

( )23.Did you meet?

A.anyone interesting B.someone interesting

C.interesting anyone D. interesting sometime

( )24.Lily decided ________ to Canada on vacation.

A.to go B.go C.going D. went.

( )25.---Doctor, ________ should I take this medicine?

---Twice a day.

A.what time B.how much C.how soon D. how often

( )26.Eating more vegetables ______ good ______ your health.

A. are, to

B. is ; to

C. is; for

D. are ; for

( )27._____ it is rain today. ______ he still works outside.

A.Although; but B.But; although C.\; although D. Although; \ ( )28.He is _______ than his brother.

A. thin

B. thiner

C. thinnest D thinner.

( )29.Li Hua’s shoes are as _______ as ZhangHui’s.

A.cheaper B.cheapest C.cheap D. the cheaper

( )30.Shu-How Lin is one of _____ basketball player NBA.

A. popular

B. more popular

C. the most popular.

D. popularer


When Mr. Smith retired(退休), he bought a small 31 in a village near the sea. He 32 it and hoped to live a quiet life in this house.

But to his great surprise, many tourists came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most 33 building in the village. From morning to night there were

34 outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and

35 of them even went into Mr. Smith’s garden. This was too much for Mr. Smith. He decided to ask the visitors to 36 . So he put a notice on the window. The notice said, “If you want 37 your curiosity(好奇心),come in and look round. Price: twenty dollars.” Mr. Smith was sure that the visitors would 38 coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. Smith had to 39 every day showing them around his house.” I came here to 40 not to work as a guide(导游),”he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away.

()31.A. garden B. shop C. house

()32. A. liked B. hated C. sold

()33. A. big B. interesting C. small

()34. A. children B. tourists C. parents

()35. A. no B. none C. many

()36. A. come B. leave C. stay

()37. A. to satisfy B. satisfy C. to satisfying

()38. A. go on B. stop C. continue

()39. A. take B. cost C. spend

()40. A. play B. work C. retire



A woman is ill. So she goes to see a new doctor who doesn’t know her. He asks some questions and one of them is “How old are you?” The woman says “I don’t know, doctor, but let me think about it.” She thinks for a minute and then says, “Yes, I know, doctor! When I married, I was eighteen years old, and my husband was thirty. Now my husband is sixty. And that is twice thirty. So I am twice eighteen. That is
