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Watergate Inquiry Activity ■ Student Handout A: THE BREAK-IN –Read the background information –With your partners, discuss “Critical Thinking Question A” –After a brief class discussion, fill in the missing information on your cartoon from the image on the next slide
■ Essential Question: – What was the Watergate scandal & how did it change American politics in the 1970s? ■ Warm-Up Question: –What was Nixon’s greatest feat in foreign policy: Vietnam, China, or the Soviet Union? Explain
Conservative domestic policy: •Lowered gov’t spending •Reduced social programs Active foreign policy: •Ended the war in Vietnam •“Opened” China •Détente with the USSR
Quick Review: Why was Nixon overwhelmingly re-elected as president in 1972? Why was Nixon so popular?
What do you see in this image?
Nixon was insecure & paranoid about power: • He kept an “enemies list” of people he suspected were out to undermine his policies • “Tricky Dick” used his position as president In what might to spy on, infiltrate, & sabotage his ways “enemies” Nixon have been • These tactics & fears were the reasons for the “ his own worst Watergate scandal that ended his presidency enemy”?
The Watergate Scandal: A Visual Review
Why is Watergate such an important event in U.S. history?
The Watergate Scandal: A Visual Review
Watergate Inquiry Activity ■ Student Handout D: THE SECRET TAPES –Read the background information –With your partners, discuss “Critical Thinking Question D” –After a brief class discussion, fill in the missing information on your cartoon from the image on the next slide
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The Watergate Scandal: A Visual Review
Watergate Inquiry Activity ■ Student Handout C: CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS –Read the background information –With your partners, discuss “Critical Thinking Question C” –After a brief class discussion, fill in the missing information on your cartoon from the image on the next slide
The Watergate Scandal: A Visual Review
Gordon Liddy & the “Plumbers”
Watergate Inquiry Activity ■ Student Handout B: INVESTIGATION –Read the background information –With your partners, discuss “Critical Thinking Question B” –After a brief class discussion, fill in the missing information on your cartoon from the image on the next slide
The Watergate Scandal: A Visual Review
Watergate Inquiry Activity ■ Student Handout E: NIXON RESIGNS –Read the background information –With your partners, discuss “Critical Thinking Question E” –After a brief class discussion, fill in the missing information on your cartoon from the image on the next slide