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THE USE OF “AS”As用法比较复杂。

I. as --- prep.

1. 词义:作为,担任:

e.g.: He works as a driver. 他以开汽车为业。

The kitten uses that box as a bed. 小猫把那盒子当作床。

像,似:e.g.: On this issue they thought as one. 在这个问题上,他们意见一致

※表示“像,似”时与like区别:She spoke as a lawyer. She spoke like a lawyer.

2. 用法as + n./pron./doing. [ ], ( ), < >, P

e.g.: as a friend, as you, as explaining

1). [ ]

e.g.: The nation || rose [ as one man ] [against foreign aggression.]

[ As ur teacher], I wish all of u would pass the examination.

She always dresses as a witch. 她总是穿的像个女巫。

2). ( )

e.g. You are to be responsible for the work as a whole. 你要对整个工作负责。

※such… as… e.g.: I like suck books as “gone with the wind”, “the water know the answers”, or “happy prince”.

※same… as… e.g.: Your pen is the same as mine. 你的钢笔和我的一样。

3). < >

think of … as…, know… as…, regard … as…, describe … as…, consider… as…, use… as…, treat… as…(宾补,主补)

e.g.: We regard him as a shining example for us to learn from.

He has taken up photography as a hobby. 他把摄影作为一种业余爱好。

4). P

e.g.: The world is as a stage. 世界像是一个舞台。

II. adv.


e.g.: His face is as black as coal. Her hair is as bright as moon light as-→ prep.

e.g.: The car drove as fast as it could. as-→ conj.

III. conj.

[ S V ] 引导状语从句

1. 比较[从]

肯定: as adj/adv as SV 否定: not as/so adj./adv. as SV

e.g.: u’r not half as clever as you think you are. 你们还没有你们想象的一半那样聪明。

e.g.: She went out with a man twice as old as her. 她与一个比她大一倍的男人交往。

e.g.: it cost three times as much as I had expected. 它比我想的贵了三倍

2. 让步[从]

倒装:P + as + S V系/ V + as + S V情

e.g.: Handsome as he is, he has no girl friend.

e.g.: Try as I might, I couldn’t lift the stone.

3. 时间[从]

e.g.: As time goes on, we all will be old. 随着时间的推移

4. 原因[从]

e.g.: As Jane was the oldest, she looked after the others.

As all the seats were full, he stood up. 因为所以的位子都有人了,他站了起来。

※As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. 你这是自作自受。

IV. relative pron. (从)

1. 限定性的()→ such… as…, the same…as…

e.g.: Such people as you describe are rare nowadays.

People such as you describe are rare nowadays.

I have the same trouble as u have.

I feel just the same as you do.

2. 非限定的()→主句相当于先行词

e.g.: I’m working the night shift, as you know. 如你所知,我在上夜班。

She is extremely popular among students, as is common knowledge.


V. 习惯用语

1. as long as (只要), so long as, as soon as.

e.g.: As long as I live here, I will do it in my way. 只要我住这里,我就好按我的方式去做。

As soon as I arrive, I will call you. 我一到,我就给你电话。

2. as if / as though

e.g.: She spoke to me as if she had known me. 她和我说话的神情,好像她早就认识我似的。虚拟

It is cloudy, as though it rains soon. 乌云密布,好像要下雨了。正常

3. as regards, as for, as to 介词关于

e.g.: I don't know anything as to the others. 至于其他,我一无所知。

4. as well, as well as…也→ besides or and

e.g.: They provided breakfast as well as dinner. Or They provided dinner as well.

As well as breaking his leg, he broke his arm. 他除了摔断了腿,还摔断了手。
