最新冀教版六年级英语上册课件(完美版)Lesson 4

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Jenny: It’s half past six. Time for dinner! I’m hungry, Mum! I only ate an apple for lunch. What’s for dinner?
Mrs. Smith: I’m cooking meat and vegetables.
Now the dishes are clean and dry.
Language points
May I help you? 我可以帮助你吗? 此句型主要用于询问是否需要帮助。may为情态动词,意
为“可以”,不能单独作谓语,无人称和数的变化,后接动词 原形。在商店,售货员经常会用此句型询问顾客是否需要帮助。 【例句】—May I help you. sir? 我可以帮助你吗,先生?
Jenny: Let’s help my mother make dinner. She needs some vegetables.
The tomatoes are in the fridge.
The potatoes and carrots are on the table.
Dinner's ready!
—Yes. I want a bag, please. 是的。我想要一个包。
Let's do it!
Match and write.
5 Mrs. Smith is in the kitchen. She is going to _m__a_k_e dinner.
4 Her hands are __d_i_r_ty__. 2 She is _w__a_s_h_ing her hands. 8 She is __co_o_k__ing eggs in the kitchen. 1 They are having dinner. 7 The dishes are__d_ir_t_y_. 9 Mr. Smith is _w_a_s_h_ing the dishes. 3 Li Ming is drying the dishes. 6 The dishes are __c_le_a_n_ and dry now.
2. Let’s help my mother make dinner.让我们帮我妈妈做晚饭吧。 help表示“帮助”,其后跟“动词原型”或者“with+名
词”,即:help sb. do sth.或者help sb. with sth.,均表示“帮助 某人做某事” 【例句】Sam helps me clean the room.
Unit 1 Li Ming goes to Canada
Lesson 4 冀教版·六年级上册
What do you have for breakfast?
New words
Time for dinner!
Li Ming: What time is it?
This dinner looks so good, Mrs. Smith.
1. What’s for dinner? 晚餐吃什么? 句型"What’s for + 三餐(breakfast, lunch, dinner)?"用于
询问某一餐吃什么。 【易错点】在此句型中for不能省略! 【例句】What’s for lunch?
Sam helps me with my English. 山姆帮助我学英语。
Let’s wash the dishes.
May I help you? Great!
Sure, Li Ming! I wash the dirty dishes, You
can dry them.