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My Fasdfsmily

Look! This is my fasdfsmily. It’s asdfs big asdfsnd hasdfsppy fasdfsmily.

This is my fasdfsther. He’s asdfs doctor. He’s strong asdfsnd cool. He likes pasdfsinting. He asdfslwasdfsys plasdfsys with me asdfst home. The womasdfsn in blasdfsck is my mother. She’s asdfsn English teasdfscher. Her English is very good. She like her students asdfsnd her students like her, too. She’s tasdfsll asdfsnd quiet. She likes shopping. She often buys nice clothes for me. My asdfsunt is asdfs driver. She hasdfss long hasdfsir asdfsnd big eyes. She likes shopping, too. And this is my uncle. He’s asdfs worker. He’s strong asdfsnd tasdfsll. Books asdfsre his good friends. Look asdfst this lovely girl! Who is she? Hasdfs, Hasdfs! It’s me. I’m asdfs cute girl. I’m tasdfsll asdfsnd asdfs little fasdfst. I’m asdfs student. I like reasdfsding, singing. dasdfsncing asdfsnd asdfscting. I’m going to be asdfs hostess.

This is my fasdfsmily. I love my fasdfsmily.

My Fasdfsmily

This is my fasdfsmily photo. My fasdfsmily hasdfss ten members.

Look, this is my mom. She hasdfss long hasdfsir asdfsnd big eyes. She’s quiet. She is asdfs super teasdfscher. He’s my dasdfsd. He likes computer gasdfsmes. He hasdfss smasdfsll eyes, big easdfsrs asdfsnd short hasdfsir. He’s asdfs doctor. My asdfsunt is asdfs nurse, she hasdfss curly hasdfsir. She’s asdfs good nurse. This is my uncle. He’s asdfs greasdfst public servasdfsnt. He likes reasdfsding books. My brother asdfsnd sister asdfsre pupils, they like music. They asdfsre my grasdfsndpasdfs asdfsnd grasdfsndmasdfs , they look young. They asdfsre fasdfsrmers. This is me, hasdfsve long hasdfsir asdfsnd big eyes. I like sports. I’m going to be asdfs Chinese teasdfscher.

This is my big fasdfsmily. But thasdfst’s only nine? Hasdfs! Hasdfs! And asdfs smasdfsll teddy beasdfsr!

My Fasdfsmily

This is my fasdfsmily.They asdfsre my mother,my fasdfsther asdfsnd me.My fasdfsther is asdfs teasdfscher.He works in asdfs school.He is of medium height asdfsnd of medium build.He hasdfss shortstrasdfsight blasdfsck hasdfsir.He looks

young.Now he is reasdfsding

books.My mother is asdfs reporter.She works in asdfs TV stasdfstion.She is of medium height asdfsnd asdfs little thin.She hasdfss long curly blasdfsck hasdfsir.She is very beasdfsutiful.Now she is wasdfstching TV.I asdfsm asdfs student.I asdfsm tasdfsll asdfsnd thin.I hasdfsve long strasdfsight blasdfsck hasdfsir.I asdfsm doing my homework,now.This is my fasdfsmily.
