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1. Your trousers are d . You must wash them.

2. Chinese people like to eat d______on New Year’s Eve to welcome the New Year.

3. There is no________ (桥) over the river.

4.We have shows about ______(不同的) festivals around the world. It’s interesting.

5. She always likes to a some sugar to coffee while drinking it.

6. I usually have some(片)of bread and a glass of milk for breakfast.

7. Many(科学家)are researching the space.

8. —May I ask you some q? —Sure.

9. They are(讨论)where to go for vacation.

10. Linda is(相像的)to her mother.


1.It’s important _____________ (learn)English well.

2.I think the cities ________(be)more crowded in 100 years.

3.The story book is ______________(interesting)of the three.

4. I am going to ___________ (be) a doctor when I grow up.

5. The Amazon River is a little (long) than the Yangtze River.

6.December is the ________(twelve)month of a year.

7.She brushes her _______(tooth)every morning.

8.My father usually exercises three _______(time)a week.

9.Do n’t worry. I can look after______(me).

10.I think there will be ________(few)people in every family in the future.


( ) 1. It’s raining outside, please don’t leave____________ it stops.

A. since

B. until

C. while

D. when

( )2. You will be late for school____________ you don’t get up early.


B. if


D. or

( )3.She worked so quietly ____________ no one knew she was there.

A. which


C. as


( )4.My brother will lead you ____________ to my house.


B. going

C. to go


( )5.His parents got ________ two years ago.

A. marry B.marrying C.married D.to marry

( )6.The girl is very ________ to tell her parents about the truth.

A.silly B.boring C.weak D.brave

( )7.Keep________ along the street and you can find the shop on your left.

A.walked B.to walk C.walk D.walking

( )8.I won't go to the meeting ________ I'm invited.

A.but B.if C.unless D.when

( )9.The book is ________ for the kids to read. They love it very much.

A.h ard enough B.enough hard C.easy enough D. enough easy ( )10.It's so cold today.—Yes, it's ________ colder than it was yesterday.

A.some B.more C.very D.much

( )11. Try your best to do it and you'll ________ one day.

A.success B.succeed C.successful D.successes

( )12.The more you smile, the ________ you will feel.

A.happy B.happier C.happily D.more happily

( )13.—What’s your brother like?— He is .

A. a driver

B. very tall

C. my friend

D. at school

()14. let’s go and play ____ ping-pong. I don’t want to play ____ guitar.

A. a, the

B. the, a

C. / , the

D. the, /

()15.—How does your sister get to school?

---she gets to school_______.

A. takes a bus

B. take a bus

C. by a bus

D. by bus

()16. Please late for school.

A. isn’t

B. aren’t

C. don’t be

D. not be

()17. Mary is girl, but she knows a lot about science.

A. a eight-year-old

B. eight-year-old

C. eight years old

D. an eight-year-old

()18. Would you like soccer with us ?Sure. I like soccer very much.

A. to play, playing

B. playing, play

C. to play, play

D. playing, playing ( )19. I always help my sister _________ her history.

A. with

B. of

C. for

D. in

( ) 20. My brother practices ______ every Sunday.

A. to swim

B. swimming

C. swims

D. swim

( )21. Tom often _____ TV on Saturday evenings, but now he is _____ stories.

A. watches; reading

B. watching; reads
