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例:①He is a clever boy.

Is he a clever boy? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

② You are a beautiful girl .

Am I a beautiful girl ?Yes , I am . No , I am not .


看句子里有没有情态动词can :如果有,将can提前到句首.

所有人称都用can .

例:①They can sing .

Can they sing ? Yes , he can . No, he can’t .

②I can sing.

Can you sing ? Yes , I can . No, I can’t .

助动词does ,do , did

1. 没有be动词和情态动词,看动词是否是过去式形式,如果是,句首加Did ,动词变原型。

例:He sang English songs .

Did he sing English songs ? Yes , he did . No, he didn’t .

2.没有be动词和情态动词,也没有过去式动词, 那看句子的主人是单数还是复数?如果是单数,句首+Do,动词还原。如果是复数,,句首+Does. 后面的动词变成原型.

例: 1. They study English in the classroom.

Do they study English in the classroom? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

2. He jumps rope in the park.

Does he jump rope in the park? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.


1. 当句子里有关于"我,我们"的都要相应的变成"你,你们”的. 例: I am a teacher.

Are you a teacher? Yes, I am. No, I am not.

We are happy?

Are you happy? Yes, we are. No , we aren’t.

This is my book.

Is this your book?

These are our books.

Are these your books?

2.当句子里有some要变成any. 例: There are some cats on the table. Are there any cats on the table?

I have some shirts.

Do you have any shirts?



1. I am from China.

_______________________________________________________ _

2. His birthday is on the twentieth of November.


3. His father is an English teacher.


4. He is crying under the tree.


5. The boy under the tree is hungry.


6. These cats are crying.

_____________________________________________________ 7. Mrs. Li and Kitty are in a big shop.


8. Kitty is wearing her new uniform.


9. I like to read English.


10. I go to school on foot.

________________________________________________ 11. We clean our classroom every day.


12. He gets up early every morning.


13. He can mend this bike.

__________________________________________________ 14. Li Mei likes swimming.

__________________________________________________ 15. They can swim.

________________________________________________ 16. I do my homework after school.


17. His father goes to work by bus.


18. He goes to school every day.

_____________________________________________ 19. I want to have a model car.

_______________________________________________ 20. She wants a cup of coffee.

