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1. 假设大学里篮球票的价格是由市场力量决定的。现在,需求与供给表如下:价格(美元) 需求量(张) 供给量(张)

4 10000 80009

8 8000 8000

12 6000 8000

16 4000 8000

20 2000 8000




价格(美元) 需求量(张)

4 4000

8 3000

12 2000

16 1000

20 0


a. As Figure 2-25 shows, the supply curve is vertical. The constant supply makes sense

because the basketball arena has a fixed number of seats no matter what the


Figure 2-25

b. Quantity supplied equals quantity demanded at a price of $8. The equilibrium

quantity is 8,000 tickets.


The new equilibrium price will be $12, which equates quantity demanded to

quantity supplied. The equilibrium quantity is 8,000 tickets.

2. 假设公务乘客和度假乘客对从纽约到波士顿之间民航机票的需求如下:


(美元) (公务乘客) (度假乘客)

150 **** ****

200 2000 800

250 1900 600

300 1800 400



a. For business travelers, the price elasticity of demand when the price of tickets rises from

$200 to $250 is [(2,000 - 1,900)/1,950]/[(250 - 200)/225] = 3/13 = 0.23. For

vacationers, the price elasticity of demand when the price of tickets rises from

$200 to $250 is [(800 - 600)/700] / [(250 - 200)/225] = 9/7 = 1.29.

b. The price elasticity of demand for vacationers is higher than the elasticity for

business travelers because vacationers can more easily choose a different mode

of transportation (like driving or taking the train). Business travelers are less

likely to do so since time is more important to them and their schedules are less


3. 这是一个热天,Bert口干舌燥。下面是他对一瓶水的评价:

对第一瓶水的评价 7美元

对第二瓶水的评价 5美元

对第三瓶水的评价 3美元

对第四瓶水的评价 1美元




a. Bert’s demand schedule i s:

Price Quantity Demanded

More than $7 0

$5 to $7 1

$3 to $5 2

$1 to $3 3

$1 or less 4

Bert’s demand curve is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9

b. When the price of a bottle of water is $4, Bert buys two bottles of water. His

consumer surplus is shown as area A in the figure. He values his first bottle of

water at $7, but pays only $4 for it, so has consumer surplus of $3. He values

his second bottle of water at $5, but pays only $4 for it, so has consumer surplus

of $1. Thus Bert’s t otal consumer surplus is $3 + $1 = $4, which is the area of

A in the figure.

c. When the price of a bottle of water falls from $4 to $2, Bert buys three bottles of

water, an increase of one. His consumer surplus consists of both areas A and B
