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Some speeches are so memorable we can quote them at will. But few of the m are commencement speeches. How many of us can recall the commence ment speech at ourcollege graduation?


What if a commencement speech was not something to be endured, but to be treasured? Andwhat if, instead of the same tired sentiments to "go forward and seize the day," the 20-minute address dispensed a glimpse of humanit y's higher self? Thankfully, some of those exist. Butit's not all rainbows and b utterflies. Many memorable speeches have a touch of the macabre that fore shadow the underbelly of adulthood. After reading dozens of transcripts and viewinghours of footage, we've distilled 10 famous commencement speeche s to their essence. Somespeeches are memorable because of their time in h istory or because millions watched it online.Some were later published as boo ks. At least one became a hit song. Here they are, in chronological order.


10.President John F. Kennedy at American University, 1963


"Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the sameair. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mo rtal."


This commencement address had a higher purpose. Just months after the Cuban missile crisis with the Soviet Union, when nuclear war was still a real t hreat, President John. F. Kennedyused the occasion to deliver a peace-laced t alk to the entire world. The speech, which took amonth to craft, was written i n secret because he feared Pentagon officials would oppose its conciliatory t one. Kennedy asked Americans to consider their attitudes:

"Too many of us thinkis impossible. Too many think it is unreal. But that is a dangerous, defeatist belief. It leads tothe conclusion that war is inevitabl e ... We need not accept that view ... Among the manytraits the peoples of o ur two countries have in common, none is stronger than our mutualabhorrenc e of war." Kennedy then announced that he, Nikita Khrushchev and Britain's HaroldMacmillan would be entering talks about a comprehensive test ban tr eaty and that the U.S.wouldn't conduct further nuclear tests as long as no ot her country did either.

