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本文主要研究了利用MCS-51系列单片机控制PWM信号从而实现对直流电机转速进行控制的方法。文章中采用了专门的芯片组成了PWM信号的发生系统,并且对PWM信号的原理、产生方法以及如何通过软件编程对PWM信号占空比进行调节,从而控制其输入信号波形等均作了详细的阐述。此外,本文中还采用了芯片IR2110作为直流电机正转调速功率放大电路的驱动模块,并且把它与延时电路相结合完成了在主电路中对直流电机的控制。另外,本系统中使用了测速发电机对直流电机的转速进行测量,经过滤波电路后,将测量值送到A/D 转换器,并且最终作为反馈值输入到单片机进行PI运算,从而实现了对直流电机速度的控制。在软件方面,文章中详细介绍了PI运算程序,初始化程序等的编写思路和具体的程序实现。


ABSTRACT:This paper mainly studied the use of MCS - 51 series microcontroller

control PWM signal to control dc motor speed so as to realize the method. Article USES a special chip is made up of a PWM signal generation system, and in this paper, the principle of the PWM signal generation method and how to through the software programming of the PWM signal duty cycle to regulate, to control the input signal waveform, etc are explained in detail. In addition, this article adopts the chip IR2110 as is a dc motor speed power amplifier circuit of the drive module, and it is combined with a time delay circuit to complete the control of dc motor in main circuit. In addition, this system used the tachogenerator for dc motor speed measurement, after filter circuit, the measured value to the A/D converter, and ultimately feedback as input to the MCU PI arithmetic, so as to realize the control of the dc motor speed. In terms of software, the article introduces in detail PI algorithm, initialization program, etc. Writing ideas and specific program implementation.

KEYWORDS:PWM signal, tachometer generator, PI arithmetic



1. 引言 .............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1.1 开发背景.......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.2 选题的目的和意义.......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.3 研究方法.......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2. 总体设计概述 (1)

2.1 总体硬件电路设计 (1)

2.1.1系统总体设计框图 (1)

2.1.2 8051单片机简介 (2)

2.1.3单片机系统中所用其他芯片选型 (3)

2.2 PWM信号发生电路设计 (5)

2.2.1 PWM的基本原理 (5)

2.2.2 PWM信号发生电路设计 (6)

2.2.3 PWM发生电路主要芯片的工作原理 (7)

2.3 功率放大驱动电路设计 (8)

2.3.1芯片IR2110性能及特点 (8)

2.3.2 IR2110的引脚图以及功能 (8)

2.4 主电路设计 (9)

2.4.1 延时保护电路 (9)

2.4.2 主电路 (9)

2.4.3 输出电压波形 (10)

2.4.4系统总体电路图 (11)

2.5 测速发电机 (12)

2.6 滤波电路 (12)

2.7 A/D转换 (12)

2.7.1芯片选型 (12)

2.7.2 ADC0809的引脚及其功能 (13)

3.系统软件部分的设计 (13)

3.1 PI 转速调节器原理图及参数计算 (13)

3.2 系统中的部分程序设计 (14)

3.2.1主程序设计 (14)

3.2.2 PI控制算法子程序设计 (16)

4. 系统调试 (17)

4.1软件调试 (17)

4.2系统仿真 (17)

结论 (21)

致谢................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。参考文献............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。附录 (18)

