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译林英语三年级下册unit 1 测试卷







6.I’m sorry. __________________

7.listen to Mr. Green__________________ 8. sit down__________________

9. thank you__________________ 10. look at the blackboard__________________


( ) 1. A. blue B. ball C. black

( ) 2. A. pie B. stand C. sit

( ) 3. A. come B. listen C. me

( ) 4. A. ball B. book C. look

( ) 5. A. run B. skirt C. T-shirt


( ) 1. --Look at the blackboard.--_______________.

A. I’m sorry.

B. Yes, Mr Green.

C. It’s nice.

( ) 2.Would you like eat________?

A. milk

B. a pie

C.an pie

( ) 3. Don’t _______my milk.

A. eat

B. drink

C. run

冷). _______ the window, please.

( ) 4. It’s too cold(

A. Don’t open

B. Open

C. Don’t close

( ) 5 -- Is this a window? -- _____________

B yes, it is

C No ,it isn’t

A yes ,it isn’t

( ) 6. — a lunch box?—No, it isn’t.

A. Is that

B. That is

C. is this

( ) 7. —your brother?—No, it isn’t.

A. Is it

B. He is

C. Is he

( ) 8. Don’tthe parrot. A. listen B. look at C. look


( ) 1. 格林老师请你开门,他说:

A. Open the door, please.

B. Close the door, please.

( ) 2. 外面刮风了,妈妈对你说:

A. Please open the window.

B. Please close the window. ( ) 3 你想问别人是否想要吃冰淇淋时,应该怎么说:

A What about an cake?

B Would you like an ice cream? ( ) 4 上课时,老师请大家看黑板时,应该怎么说:

A Listen to the teacher, please.

B Look at the blackboard. ( ) 5.你告诉别人那不是你的书包时,你可以说:

A This is my schoolbag.

B That isn’t my schoolbag. ( ) 6.请别人帮你关门应说:

A. Please open the door.

B. Please close the door.

( )7.请进:A. Stand up. B. Come in, please.

( )8.起立:A. Sit down. B. Stand up ,please.


()1.What about the jacket? A. Yes, Mr Green.

()2.Where’s my schoolbag? B. It’s a robot.

()3.Please close the door. C. It’s over there.

()4.What’s this? D. Sorry, Miss Li.


()5.Don’t listen to the parrot. E. It’s
