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基于PWM控制的直流电机调速摘要:直流电机(direct current machine)是指能将直流电能转换成机械能(直流电动机)或将机械能转换成直流电能(直流发电机)的旋转电机。它是能实现直流电能和机械能互相转换的电机。当它作电动机运行时是直流电动机,将电能转换为机械能;作发电机运行时是直流发电机,将机械能转换为电能。直流电机的结构应由定子和转子两大部分组成。直流电机运行时静止不动的部分称为定子,定子的主要作用是产生磁场,由机座、主磁极、换向极、端盖、轴承和电刷装置等组成。运行时转动的部分称为转子,其主要作用是产生电磁转矩和感应电动势,是直流电机进行能量转换的枢纽,所以通常又称为电枢,由转轴、电枢铁心、电枢绕组、换向器和风扇等组成。


关键字:直流电机 PWM 控制 AT80C52

DC motor is a rotary motor that can convert a direct current into a mechanical energy (a DC motor) or a mechanical energy into a direct current (DC generator). It is capable of achieving the conversion of DC electric energy and mechanical energy to each other. When the motor is running, it is a direct current motor, the electric energy can be converted into mechanical energy; the generator is a direct current generator, the mechanical energy can be converted to electric energy. The structure of the DC motor is composed of two parts, the stator and the rotor. Operation of the DC motor are still part of the said stator, stator's main function is produces a magnetic field, is composed of a frame, a main pole, Huan Xiangji, an end cover, a bearing and an electric brush device and composition. Said operation, the rotating part of the rotor, the main role is electromagnetic torque and induction electromotive force generated, the DC motor is the hub of energy conversion, so is often referred to as the armature and is composed of a shaft, the armature core, an armature wining and commutator and fan.

In this paper, the design of the basic scheme of DC motor control system, expounds the basic structure of the system, working principle, operating characteristic and the design method, mainly research on DC motor control and measurement method. The design system based on SCM AT80C52 as the core, to achieve the DC motor speed control sytem.







PID控制器由比例单元(P)、积分单元(I)和微分单元(D)组成。其输入e (t)与输出u (t)的关系为

u(t)=kp[e(t)+1/TI∫e(t)dt+TD*de(t)/dt] 式中积分的上下限分别是0和t


其中kp为比例系数; TI为积分时间常数; TD为微分时间常数

在过程控制中,按偏差的比例(P)、积分(I)和微分(D)进行控制的PID 控制器(亦称PID调节器)是应用最为广泛的一种自动控制器。它具有原理简单,
