地道美式英语高频短语1 中英对照

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Lesson 1 Bob's Day at Work


Bob works as a manager in a furniture store. Peter, his boss, is not happy about sales. Bob’s new advertising campaign hasn’t helped. Peter decides to fire him.

鲍勃在一家家具店当经理。他的老板皮特对销售情况不是很满意。鲍勃的新宣传活动并未起作用。皮特决定炒他的鱿鱼。Peter: Bob, I hate to break the news, but our sales were down again last month.

皮特:鲍勃,我不想说这件事,可是我们上月的销售额又下降了。Bob: Down again, Peter?


Peter: Yeah. These days, everybody’s shopping at our competition, Honest Abe’s Furniture Store.

皮特:对呀。最近人们都在我们的竞争对手Honest Abe家具店买东西。

Bob: But everything in there costs an arm and a leg!


Peter: That’s true. They do charge top dollar.


Bob: And their salespeople are very strange. They really give me the creeps!


Peter: Well, they must be doing something right over there. Meanwhile, we’re about to go belly-up.

皮特:不过,他们肯定有过人之处。对了,我们就要倒闭了。Bob: I’m sorry to hear that. I thought my new advertising campaign would save the day.

鲍勃:我对此很抱歉。我原以为我的新宣传活动可以扭转颓势呢。Peter: Let’s face it: your advertising campaign was a real flop.


Bob: Well then I’ll go back to the drawing board.


Peter: It’s too late for that. You’re fired!


Bob: What? You’re giving me the ax?


Peter: Yes. I’ve already found a new manager. She’s as sharp as a tack.

皮特:对。我已经物色到了一个新的经理。她可说是聪明绝顶。Bob: Can’t we even talk this over? After all, I’ve been working here for 10 years.

鲍勃:我们不能好好谈一下吗?毕竟,我都在这里一直工作10年了。Peter: There’s no point in arguing, Bob. I’ve already made up my



Bob: Oh well, at least I won’t have to put up with your nonsense anymore! Goodbye to you and goodbye to this dead-end job.


Peter: Please leave before I lose my temper!



about to – ready to; on the verge of 即将

after all – despite everything; the fact is 毕竟

at least –anyway; the good thing is that… ; no less than 反正;至少(数量)

to break the news – to make something known 告知,告诉

to cost an arm and a leg – to be very expensive 昂贵

dead-end job –a job that won’t lead to anything else 没有前途的工作

(let’s) face it – accept a difficult reality 接受现实

to give one the creeps – to create a feeling of disgust or horror 让某人恶心,起鸡皮疙瘩

to go back to the drawing board – to start a task over because the

last try failed; to start again from the beginning 从头再来

to go belly-up – to go bankrupt 破产

to give someone the ax – to fire someone 解雇

to lose one’s temper – to become very angry 发脾气

to make up one’s mind – to reach a decision; to decide 拿定主意There’s no point in –There’s no reason to; it’s not worth ( doing something) 没有意义

to put up with – to endure without complaint 忍受

real flop/flop – a failure 失败

to save the day – to prevent a disaster or misfortune 扭转颓势

as sharp as a tack – very intelligent 聪明绝顶

to talk over – to discuss 讨论

top dollar – the highest end of a price range; a lot of money 高价


以上文本对应音频请百度视频搜索:【最地道的美国口语】Lesson 1 Bob's Day at Work
