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-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1



1.What kind of food do you prefer你喜欢哪一种菜

2.Do you like Chinese food你喜欢中国菜吗

3.What kind of food do you like,Chinese or American你喜欢吃什么菜,中式的还是美式的

4.Would you tell me where the Chinese restaurant is 请你告诉我中国餐馆在哪里

5.Do you know where I can get a quick snack你知道哪里有快餐可吃

6.What would you have for dinner你要吃什么

7.What would you like to order你要点些什么菜

8.Have you ordered yet你点过菜了吗

9.No,not yet,I am waiting for a friend.I will order later. 还没有,我在等一位朋友,稍后再点。

10.What would you recommend请你推荐一些好菜好吗

11.What's your today’s special今天的特色菜是什么

12.I would like to have something simple. 我想吃些简单的东西。

13.What will you have for dessert你喜欢吃点什么点心

14.We are in a hurry. 我们要赶时间。15.Please rush your orders. 我们点的菜请快送来。

16.The beefsteak is very good today. 今天的牛排很不错。

17.I will take the beefsteak. 我就要份牛排。

18.How would you like to have beefsteak,well-done or rare你喜欢的牛排是熟一些还是生的

19.I would like my beefsteak well done. 我要熟一点儿的牛排。

20.How about a drink喝一杯怎样21.Bottoms up!干杯!22.To your health!祝你健康!

23.I ask you to join me in drinking to the health of Mr.Chen. 请你跟我一起举杯祝陈先生健康。

24.I ask you to join me in drinking to the future success of our cooperation. 请你跟我一起举杯预祝我们合作成功。

25.I'm looking for a cheap place to eat. 我要找个便宜的地方吃。

26.Is there a restaurant near here这附近有餐馆吗

27.Can you recommend me a good restaurant你能介绍一间好餐馆吗

28.Is there a Chinese restaurant in this town在本镇有中国餐馆吗

29.Can you show me a restaurant where they serve good food at reasonable prices请你告诉我哪里有价钱公道而菜又好的餐馆好吗30.How is service服务怎么样 31.Could I have the menu,please请给我菜单好吗

32.Here is the menu,sir. 先生,菜单就在这儿。33.Are you ready to order now你现在就准备点菜吗

34.Where did you have dinner last night昨晚你在什么地方吃饭的

35.Do you like Chinese dishes你喜欢中国菜吗36.It's very delicious. 它的味道很好。

37.The food is too salty. 菜太咸了。38.I'm thirsty. 我口渴了。

39.Give me a glass of cold water,please. 请给我一杯冷水。

40.I'm on a diet. 我在节食中。41.I don't feel like eating more. 我不想再多吃了。

42.It was a very enjoyable dinner. 这是个令人愉快的一餐。

43.What would you like to drink你要喝点儿什么44.Could I have a cup of coffee我想要一杯咖啡好吗

45.Would you like coffee or tea你要喝咖啡还是茶46.I would like tea with a slice of lemon,please. 我想要柠檬茶。

47.Do you like to have anything else你还要吃别的东西吗

48.No,thanks.I have had enough. 不用,谢谢。我已经吃饱了。

49.I would like to have ice cream and fresh fruit. 我要吃点冰淇淋和新鲜水果。

50.Help yourself to anything you like. 你喜欢什么随便吃。

51.Please pass me the salt and pepper. 请把盐和胡椒递给我。

52.I ordered ten minutes ago. 我10分钟前就点菜了。

53.I have been waiting for half an hour. 我一直等了半个小时。

54.Why is our order so late为什么我点的菜那么慢55.I can't wait any longer. 我不能再等了。

56.Please serve us as quickly as possible. 请尽快服务。57.Could I have the bill please请把账单给我好吗

58.Here you are,please pay the bill at the cashier's desk. 这就是,请到柜台付账。

59.Let's me pay my share.=Let’s go Dutch. 我们各付各的。60.No,It's my treat. 不,这次我请客。

61.May I pay this time这次我请客好吗


香妃鸡(Steamed chicken with saltedsauce)

糖醋鸡块(Chicken in sweet and sour sauce)

三杯鸡翼(Chicken wings in three cups sauce)

赛海蜇拌火鸭丝(Shredded roast deck with wnow fungus)---ysmchee注:Shredded roast duck with jelly fish

镬仔叉烧(Roast pork in wok)

菜薳滑肉片(Sliced pork with vegetable shoots)
