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五年级英语上册第一单元练习一. 看图写单词:

_____________ _______________ _____________

______________ ________________ __________________二. 短语配搭:

( ) does she do A. Yes, it is .

( ) you have any stamps B. She 's a doctor .

( ) this your dictionary C. No, we don’t . ( ) Tony have any tofu D. I need some vegetables. ( ) do we need E. No, he doesn’t.

三.选择填空 :

(they some does stamps Where What diary do any need ) 1.______ does Mr. Green do He’s a farmer.

2.What do _____ need They _____ some salt.

3.Is this your ______ No, it’s not .

4._____ Jenny have_______ staples

5.Peter needs ______ _ glue .

6.______ _ can we buy scissors

7._____ you have any __ __ Yes, I do .

四. 看图回答:

does she do

you have any envelopes

Tony have any fruit

does she have

does he need

五、根据句子意思和首字母提示,补全单词,并在右边的括号内写上中文意思。1.We can use (胶水)to stick(粘贴)something.

2.People use the (剪刀)to cut things.

3.R (兔子)like to eat carrots.

4.Gogo can fly with the h .(滑翔机)

5.We should stick the stamp on the e .(信封)

6.Students write their homework on the p .(纸)

7.The p (鹦鹉)can speak as the human.

8.We can send a p (明信片)to our friends on the festivals. 9.He write a d (日记)every day.

10.People write things on the p .(纸)

11.Many v (蔬菜)are Greens(绿色食品).

12.Apples, bananas and pears are all f (水果)

13.C (硬币)are money.

14.My aunt’s daughter is my c .(表姐妹)

15.Chinese like eating r (米饭)every day.

16.We need a s (邮票)and an e (信封)to send the letter.

17.All the children love the t .(玩具)

18.My father’s brother is my u .(叔叔)

19.There are many flowers on the i .(岛屿)

20.We can know the exact days from a c .(日历)

21.You can look up new words in the d .(词典)

22.My a (阿姨)is my mother’s sister.

23.My father’s father is m y g .(爷爷)

24.My c (表兄弟)is my uncle’s son.

25.A f (农夫)is working on the farm.

26.I f there’s a fire, you should call f .(消防员)27.A t (教师)works in a school.

28.We go to a hospital to see a d . (医生)


1.my, he, family, visiting, is (.)

2.doesn’t, any, he, tofu, have (.)

3.needs, and, she, rice, meat (.)

4.they, do, what, need ()

5.have, do, pencils, you, any ()

6.some, we, paper, have (.)

7.money, doesn’t, any, have, he (.)

8.comic, does, any, he, books, have ()

9.need, does, meat, he, any ()

10.we, do, need, what ()

11.salt, she, some, needs (.)

12.sugar, do, any, have, we ()


()1. do you have

A.What B.Where C.How

()2.M y grandmother is my father’s .

A.mother B.father C.aunt

()3.He have any tofu.

A.isn’t B.does C.doesn’t

()4.I don’t have salt. So I want to buy .

A.any/ any B.some/ any C.any/ some

()5. cousins do you have Seven.

A.How old B.How many C.How

()6.What the man doing He cooking.

A.is/ does B.is/ is C.does/ does


man is that B.Who is the man C.Where is the man


A.How many is Jenny B.How old does Jenny

C.How old are you, Jenny


A.Does Ben have any paper clips B.Do you have any paper clips,

Ben C.How many paper clips does Ben have

()10.Does Ben a calendar

A.has B.have C.is
