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Ⅰ. I. Word explanation

1. merchant
A. mercenary
B. mechanic
C. goods
D. trader
2. balance
A. equality
B. quantity
C. parallel
D. blandness
3. peril
A. perimeter
B. hazard
C. panorama
D. Paralysis
4. bloc
A. league
B. lump
C. restriction
D. square
5. carve
A. cavern
B. tavern
C. engrave
D. intersect
6. undercut
A. undercharge
B. underprice
C. undersell
D. all the above
7. grant
A. certainty
B. presentation
C. subsidiary
D. scholarship
8. concession
A. assent
B. constriction
C. assertion
D. confession
9. sophisticated
A. delicate
B. intricate
C. dandified
D. dignified
10. killing
A. easy prey
B. big sacrifice
C. large profit
D. ruthless slaughter
11. charter
A. map
B. authorization
C. hiring
D. b and c
12. moth
A. home remedy
B. buggy
C. fly-like animal
D. chemical
13. bulk
A. mass
B. trunk
C. clumsiness
D. loose
14. doldrums
A. parts of the ocean
B. state of being uncertain
C. areas near the North Pole
D. highly risky situation
15. tactic
A. tackle
B. expedient
C. strategy
D. policy
16. ratify
A. validate
B. verdict
C. verbosity
D. vacillate
17. line
A. train
B. ship
C. company
D. plane
18. dodgy
A. docile
B. chancy
C. dogged
D. dogmatic
19. supple
A. rich colours
B. flexible
C. purple
D. support
20. preface
A. surface
B. surface anticipation
C. front
D. introduction
21. deferential
A. respectful
B. scornful
C. differential
D. indifferent
22. adolescent
A. adult
B. chap
C. folk
D. juvenile
23. despise
A. dislike
B. dismiss
C. depress
D. defer
24. disperse
A. discreet
B. dispatch
C. disappear
D. scatter
25. arid
A. wet
B. barren
C. fertile
D. abandoned
26. glutton
A. excessive

B. admirable
C. greedy
D. glorious
27. austere
A. serious
B. agony
C. dignified
D. straight
28. intermittent
A. internal
B. interminable
C. constant
D. occasional
29. nurture
A. concern
B. cultivate
C. plant
D. gather
30. divert
A. attract
B. change
C. entertain
D. b and c
31. exhilarate
A. excite
B. resent
C. challenge
D. provoke
32. cram
A. pack
B. empty
C. crash
D. collapse
33. malice
A. good desire
B. loyalty
C. ill will
D. ill treatment
34. dismissive
A. empty
B. contemptuous
C. longing
D. rebellious
35. bluff
A. breath
B. river
C. obstacle
D. cliff
36. reef
A. foreground
B. ridge of rock
C. small hill
D. high wave
37. beacon
A. fire
B. rock on the beach
C. platform
D. food
38. recess
A. corner
B. vacation
C. alcove
D. all the above
39. lore
A. chore
B. affection
C. knowledge
D. demand
40. appropriate
A. possess
B. suitably
C. enjoyable
D. admirable

Ⅱ. Give the full words according to the contexts and the first letters

1. If you r an action, event, or decision, you regret it because it has
unpleasant result.
2. A n is a country’s military force that fights at sea. This word is also
used to refer to the ships and equipment it uses
3. If you g something, you take it or pick it up suddenly and roughly.
4. A f is a group of ships organized to do something together, for
example, to fight battles or to catch fish.
5. Something that is p lasts for ever or for a very long time.
6. If an account or a person, organization, country etc is in d , money is
owed because they have spent more than they have received.
7. An e is the part of a person’s arm where the upper and lower halves of
the arm are joined.
8. If something that you value such as your money or your reputation is at
s , it is being risked and is in danger of being lost or damaged,
depending on the result of something that is happening.
9. To l a rocket, missile, or satellite means to send it into the air or
into space.
10. A b_ is a fast increase or development in something, often in the
popularity or success of something, especially one that results in a lot
of money b

eing made.
11. The p of a process of development or of an activity is the point or
stage at which it is at its strongest, most fully developed, most
successful, etc.:
12. If you throw in the t_________, or chuck in the t________, you stop
trying to do something because you realize that you cannot succeed.
13. R is the money that a company or organization receives over a fixed
period of time or the money that a government received through taxation.
14. If you c someone, you take them prisoner, especially in a war or after
a struggle.
15. A l_ is a narrow road, especially in the country.
16. If you refer to r things or places, you mean that they belong or
relate separately to the people you have just mentioned.

Ⅲ. Replace the underlined part with one word learnt in the text. The first
letter of the word is given:
1. Despite his repeated petitions, no one attempted to say a word of
objection, haunted by the thought that he might not mean what he says.
2. It pained him to see Thomas wandering lazily along the street.
3. He told them that he had a terrible piece of news to tell .
4. She looked at the whole world with a detachment and atranquillitythat
few people have.
5. Man is controlled byhis natural tendenciesas well as by reason.
6. He thinks that poverty is a punishment of laziness .
7. Everybody has his odd and unusual habits , and I am no exception.
8. She took the remark as a praise to her cooking.
9. We passed the time by telling jokes during the journey.
10. To him this is the only place for off-dutyrecreation .

Ⅳ. There are 22 words and expressions given below. You are to use their
proper forms to finish the sentences. Each word or expression is to be
used only once.

bend on, cash in on, cram, dignify, diversify, dominate, have
an eye for, hold on to, inroads, into the bargain, justify, lay
down, pinch, relieve, run, save, score off, something
of, as far as, take to, to the exclusion of, with a vengeance,

1. Those people are evidently mischief.
2. She completely her family and makes all the decisions.
3. Let’s the fine weather and go out for the day.
4. They the violence by calling it a patriotic demonstration.
5. He the child's cheek playfully.
6. The conductor worked on the from Boston to New York.
7. Computers will make significant into these areas.
8. The soldier found himself a hero when he returned to his village.
9. my hand tightly while we cross this street.
10. Follow the procedure in our booklet.
11. The end

the means.
12. That factory is trying to its products to sell in different markets.
13. He colour and style in clothes.
14. Since when __ we __ stamp collecting?
15. The heat failed, and then the roof began to leak
16. His humorous remark the tension in the room.
17. If he had wanted Robert, there were so many better ways than this
18. It's no use your head with a lot of unrelated facts; what you need is
a system.
19. I agree with you, that you have got one or two facts wrong.
20. He studied history in the university, all other subjects.
21. Your conduct, I can see, is absolutely unjustifiable.
22. If the plans for the redevelopment scheme are approved, they'll start
knocking houses down .

Ⅴ. Cloze

against, being, brought, fact, final, further, in, legally, less, meet,
otherwise, protest, tell, them, Therefore, trouble, which, whatever,
without, with

6021 Gower St. Los Angeles
CA 09968
October 5, 1988

Social Security Administration
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
Washing, D.C. O 20291

Dear Sirs;

I am writing to your office to attempt to determine why I have
encountered so many obstacles to receiving my proper monthly social
security allotment. The started ten months ago and has actually gotten
worse, making it extremely difficult for me to normal financial

The first problem which I had to deal was simply getting a monthly
check from you, having to waiting four or five extra weeks giving me
fifty dollars than I should have received. Another check was mailed to me
at an address from I moved more than two years ago. My letter of inquiry,
which I sent to the Los Angeles office of the Social Security
Administration, never an answer, and when I finally telephoned I was
able to talk only with an arrogant clerk from the tone of whose voice I
could that he didn't want to be bothered with me. The blow is a letter
received from your office just yesterday which you state that my
allotment is discontinued, your records indicating that I am dead.

Beyond this letter of I have at least one other recourse: filing suit
the Social Security Administration, which I would prefer not to have to
do. I am asking you to please take steps are necessary to ensure that
from now on I receive my social security benefits without obstacles. This
letter is mute testimony to the that I am indeed not dead, legally or .

Thelma Spencer

Yours sincerely

Ⅵ. Reading Comprehension.

Times Square is like Piccadilly Circus in London. People walk quickly,
their faces down, their brows furrowed. This is the ce

nter of life for
many New Yorkers and for many visitors who see it for the first time. It
can be compared to the heart of the beast. It is vital and throbbing with
throngs of workers, students, and pleasure-seekers. Noises abound on all
sides, first a taxi honks, then a bus, then a policeman blows his whistle
and shouts to the crowds dashing across the street. In the distance,
church bells toll. Beneath their feet, the rumble of the subway can be
heard while the subterranean steam rises from the gratings in the sidewalk
to meet the cold air on the street.

1. According to the story, Times Square is __.
A. not unique
B. deserted
C. too cold
D. in London
2. The throbbing of Times Square is caused by __.
A. the subway schedule
B. the beasts who are there
C. the movements of the crowds
D. the circus
3. Which of the noise does one not hear in Times Square?
A. Church bells
B. Taxi horns
C. The wind whistling in the trees
D. Shouts from policemen
4. The steam mentioned in the story comes from __.
A. underground
B. the buses
C. the cars
D. the ships
5. The weather in Times Square at that time was __.
A. hot
B. windy
C. cold
D. snowy
6. How would you describe the faces of the people?
A. Smiling
B. Brows furrowed
C. Faces uplifted
D. Curious

The people archaeology concerns itself with are no longer alive. So the
archaeologist finds ways to “communicate” with them by studying the things
that they left behind, which are called artifacts. Deciding what to look
for, where to look, and how to evaluate what is found are all matters that
archaeologist must consider --- often even before any digging is done.
When the digging, or excavation, does finally begin, the archaeologist
needs great patience, skill, and training to be sure nothing is overlooked
or destroyed. Drawings and careful notes are made of every stage of the
excavation. Only after each find has been recorded in image and word can
the artifacts be removed from the site. For the truth is that archaeology
does not consist of fieldwork alone. It is in the laboratory that most
discoveries about past cultures are actually made.

1. With which of the following topics is the passage mainly concerned?
A. Archaeologists who are no long alive.
B. Artists and archaeologists.
C. Laboratory discoveries in archaeology.
D. The working methods of archaeologists
2. In line 2, the author uses the expression “communicate” to imply that
archaeologist __.
A. share news

with other scientists
B. receive information about people of the past
C. study the dialects spoken by ancient people
D. leave their discussions for a later time
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the author as a matter
archaeologists must consider?
A. The way in which evaluations are carried out
B. Where artifacts might be found.
C. How artifacts can be reproduced.
D. What objects should be searched for.
4. The word “drawings” in line 8 is closest in meaning to which of the
A. Descriptions
B. Schedules
C. Photographs
D. Sketches
5. According to the passage, archaeologists derive the most knowledgeabout
previous civilizations from __?
A. laboratory analysis of the artifacts they find
B. discussions with their colleagues out at the site
C. observation of the work carried out at the site
D. notes they make during the excavation

Ⅶ. Paraphrase:

1. Russia has expanded its cargo-liner fleet far faster than the growth in
either its own trade or world trade would justify.
2. They make it harder to make a big killing in good times.
3. The Colonel, who is not too offensively an Empire-builder, sometimes
tries to talk to me about public affairs.
4. I want my fill of beauty before I go.


 1-1: / 答案:D
 1-2: / 答案:A
 1-3: / 答案:B
 1-4: / 答案:A
 1-5: / 答案:C
 1-6: / 答案:D
 1-7: / 答案:D
 1-8: / 答案:A
 1-9: / 答案:B
 1-10: / 答案:C
 1-11: / 答案:D
 1-12: / 答案:C
 1-13: / 答案:A
 1-14: / 答案:A
 1-15: / 答案:B
 1-16: / 答案:A
 1-17: / 答案:C
 1-18: / 答案:B
 1-19: / 答案:B
 1-20: / 答案:D
 1-21: / 答案:A
 1-22: / 答案:D
 1-23: / 答案:A
 1-24: / 答案:D
 1-25: / 答案:B
 1-26: / 答案:C
 1-27: / 答案:A
 1-28: / 答案:D
 1-29: / 答案:B
 1-30: / 答案:D
 1-31: / 答案:A
 1-32: / 答案:A
 1-33: / 答案:C
 1-34: / 答案:B
 1-35: / 答案:D
 1-36: / 答案:B
 1-37: / 答案:A
 1-38: / 答案:D
 1-39: / 答案:C
 1-40: / 答案:B
 6-A-1: / 答案:A

/ 答案:C
 6-A-3: / 答案:C
 6-A-4: / 答案:A
 6-A-5: / 答案:C
 6-A-6: / 答案:B
 6-B-1: / 答案:D
 6-B-2: / 答案:B
 6-B-3: / 答案:C
 6-B-4: / 答案:D
 6-B-5: / 答案:A
 2-1: /
答案: rue
 2-2: /
 2-3: /
 2-4: /
 2-5: /
 2-6: /
 2-7: /
 2-8: /
 2-9: /
 2-10: /
 2-11: /
 2-12: /
 2-13: /
 2-14: /
 2-15: /
 2-16: /
 3-1: /
 3-2: /
 3-3: /
 3-4: /
 3-5: /
答案: instinct
 3-6: /
 3-7: /
 3-8: /
答案: compliment
 3-9: /
 3-10: /
 4-1: /
答案: bent on
 4-2: /
 4-3: /
答案:cash in on
 4-4: /
 4-5: /
 4-6: /
 4-7: /
 4-8: /
答案:something of
 4-9: /
答案:hold on to
 4-10: /
答案:laid down
 4-11: /
 4-12: /
 4-13: /
答案:has an eye for
 4-14: /
答案:did...take to
 4-15: /
答案:into the bargain
 4-16: /
 4-17: /
答案:to score off
 4-18: /
 4-19: /
 4-20: /
答案:to the exclusion
 4-21: /
答案:as far as
 4-22: /
答案:with a vengeance
 5-1: /
 5-2: /
 5-3: /
 5-4: /
 5-5: /
 5-6: /
 5-7: /
 5-8: /
 5-9: /
 5-10: /

 5-11: /
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 5-13: /
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 5-17: /
 5-18: /
 5-19: /
 5-20: /
