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一. 根据首字母提示写出单词(10%)

1. There is a l______ in our school. We often do some reading in it.

2. Go s________ and turn left, it’s next to the pop music.

3. He is l_____ on a beach and reading a book.

4. She wants to be a shop a___________.

5. The supermarket is a_______ from the bank.

6. What o____ animals do you like?

7. They come from C_________. They live in Toronto.

8. T___________ don’t lik e policemen.

9. Lucy is watering flowers in the g________ .

10. Where do you often go for your v________ ?

二. 句型转换(10%)

1. Where is your cousin from?

Where ____________ your cousin _________

__________ they ________________________________?

5. 这孩子看起来很高兴.

The child ______________________________.


Ⅰ. 词汇(10分)


1. Are you learning to d pictures?

2. There is a big tree in f of T om’s house.

3. Most of the students in our class think math is d .

4. My room is on the s floor.

5. The bus will take you there. You can’t m it.


1. Guo Tao is playing football on the (操场).

2. Physics is my (最喜爱的) subject.

3. Listen! Someone is (敲) at the door.

4. Wang wei likes living in the (乡村).

5. A soccer game (在两者之间) Class One and Class Five is on the playground at 4:00 in the afternoon.

Ⅲ. 句型转换:按要求完成下列句子(5分)

1. There is a tree in the garden. (就划线部分提问)

in the garden?

2. That is her photo. (就划线部分提问)

photo is that?

3. Art is my favorite subject. (改为同义句)

I art of all subjects.

4. There is an old tea house near here. (改为复数形式)

There old tea houses near here.

5. Mr. Green lives next to me. (改为否定句)

Mr. Green next tome.

Ⅳ. 综合填空(10分)


1. September 1 is the (one)day of our new term.

2. The boy often goes to the library to read (story).

3. She usually (watch)TV on Saturday evening.

4. He doesn’t (do)his homework every day.

5. Ms. Lin (be)never late for class.

6. Look, he is (put)on his shoes, he wants to play sports.

7.Kangkang usually (have)breakfast at home, but sometimes in a restaurant.

8. Listen, they are (read)in the classroom.

9. Today is Sunday. Some boys are (fly)in the park.

10. We often take exercise after school, but today we are (play)the piano.



(一) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(10分)

51. My sister wants to be a shop a__________ .

52. Jimmy is reading a story book in the l________ .

53. It's r _________ outside. Take an umbrella(雨伞)with you.

54. I'm very h ________ .I want to eat a hamburger..

55. Our Chinese teacher lives in an a_______ near our school.

56. Look! Jack is s__________ at the pool.

57. Is there a park in the n________ ?

58. When your father is sleeping , you must be q________ .

59. There is a big house with a beautiful g________ .

60. There are all kinds of a________ in the zoo .


1.There are s ________ minutes (分钟)in an hour

2. P________ come from china and they eat bamboo.

3. Her mother is a t______ she teaches in a school.

4. On his twelfth birthday, he gets many p______.

5. A g______ has a long neck.

6. In the fridge, we have got many v_____. Such as potatoes and tomatoes.

7. Today we can use the I______ to do my homework

8. The k______ lives in grassland. It eats grass and leaves.

9. It's half p_____ six in the evening. It's time to have dinner.

10. people in different countries have different h______.


1. ______(I) English teacher is Mr Black.

2. In _____ (China), the family name is first and the given name is last.

3. He can ______(play) the piano very well.

4. Look! There is a man over there. He is _____(Li Ming) father.

5. would you like ______(eat) some bread?
