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小学三年级英语课本单词表pen pencil pencil—case ruler eraser

head face nose mouth eye

ear arm red yellow green

blue purple white cat dog

duck pig panda rabbit panda

cake bread hot dog hamburger chicken

two one seven six five

three four boy girl teacher

student my this crayon book

bag sharpener school hand finger

leg foot body black orange

pink brown bird bear elephant

Coke juice milk water tea

coffee nine eight ten mouse

doll boat ball kite balloon

car friend nice meet goodbye

too plane squirrel mouse good morning good afternoon French fries


1. Hello! ___________ Hi! _____________________________

2. Hello! I’m Wu Yifan. I’m from China.__________________________

3. What’s your name?_______________________________________

4. My name’s Chen Jie. ______________________________________

5. I have a pencil. ____________________ Me too._________________

6. Good morning._______________ Good afternoon._______________

7. This is Miss White. _____________Nice to meet you. ____________

8. Where are you from? ____________ I’m from America.___________

9. Let’s go to school. __________________ OK.________

10. . How many cakes? ____________________One cake.__________

11. How are you? ________________I’m fine, thank you._____________

12. Let’s paint. _________________ Great.________________________

13. I like green._________________ Me too. ______________________

14. I have a rabbit. ___________________________________________

15. Cool! ________ Super!_________ Great!________ Wow!_________

16. May I have a look? ___________________Sure. _________________

17. Here you ar e. _________Thank you. __________You’re welcome

18. I like hamburgers._______________ Me too. ___________________

19. Have some French fries. ____________________________________

20. Can I have some chicken? ____________________Sure. __________

21. How old are you? ____________________ I’m nine. ____________ 人教版小学三年级英语上(第二册)句型总汇PEP

We have a new friend today.

I'm from America.

Where are you from?

Who's that woman?

She's my mother.

Who's that man?

He's my father.

Let's watch TV.

What a big fish!

Let's fly it!

It's beautiful.

Look at my new crayons! Open it and see.

Do you like peaches/ Yes, I do. No, I don't. What about pears?

I don't like bananas.

Can I have an apple, please? Where is my car?
