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In the world, Starbucks is the only store open over the four continents of the world coffee brands. 星巴克从一件小咖啡屋成长为国际最著名的咖啡连锁店品牌的一个法门就是其灵活的经营智慧。 Grown from a small Starbucks coffee for the international brand the most famous coffee chain, a Famennian is its flexible

business intelligence.

一。 One. 按照世界各地分歧的市场环境采纳灵活的投资与合作模

式 Differences in accordance with market conditions around the world to adopt a flexible mode of investment and



星巴克与世界各地的合作模式主要有四种环境: According to the U.S. headquarters of Starbucks Starbucks around the world in the proportion of shares held view, the Starbucks model of cooperation around the world, there are four environments:

1.星巴克占 100% 股权,好比在英国,泰国和澳大利亚等地;

Starbucks 100% stake, like in the UK, Thailand and Australia;

2.星巴克占 50% 股权,好比在日本,韩国等地; Starbucks accounted

for 50% stake, like in Japan, Korea and other places;

3.星巴克占股权较少,一般在 5% 摆布,好比在中国的台湾,香港,

夏威夷和增资之前的上海等地; Starbucks shares accounted for less than 5% general mercy, like in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Hawaii, and Shanghai, before the capital increase;


来新亚和中国的厦门等地; Starbucks does not account for the shares, but simply authorized to operate, just like in the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and China, Xiamen, New Asia and other places;

这样做的好处是“他可以借别人的力量来帮它做很多工作,而且是同一个时间一起做。” The benefit of this is "He can take someone else's power to help it do a lot of work, and the same time together."

二。 Two. 以直营经营为主 Direct operating mainly in

30 多年来,星巴克对外传布鼓吹其整个政策都是:对峙走公司直营

店,在全世界都不要加盟店。 30 years, Starbucks advocating the spread of foreign policy are the whole: the confrontation take company-owned, not franchises in the world.



做赚钱的途径,可以说,他们唯一的目的就是为了赚钱而非经营品牌。 Direct methods to adopt the reason Starbucks is the reason: people in the business behind the brand, Starbucks, demanding the operator recognize the company's own concept of brand identity, emphasizing the action, the law, quality and consistency; and franchisees are investors they join the brand as the only way to make money, it can be said, their only purpose is to make money rather than the brand.

因此,为了不让品牌受到不必要的干扰,星巴克决定不开放加盟权。Therefore, in order to prevent unnecessary interference with the brand, Starbucks decided not to open right to join. 三. Three. 不花一分钱做广告 Advertising without spending a penny

“我们的店就是最好的广告”,星巴克的经营者们这样说。 "Our shop is the best advertising," Starbucks managers have said. 据了解,星巴克从未在公共媒体上花过一分钱的广告费。 It is understood that Starbucks has never spent a penny of public media in advertising.
