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钟表专业术语中英文对照 计算功能(数学或飞机油量) slide rule 12个面色彩 12-facet chaton 12小时子表盘 12-hour recorder(register) 20 度防水 20 ATM water-resistant depth sensor/depth meter A device on a divers' watch that determines the wearer's depth by measuring water pressure. It shows the depth either by analog hands and a scale on the watch face or through a digital display. diving watch A watch that is water resistant to 200M. Has a one way rotating bezel and a screw-on crown and back. Has a metal or rubber strap (not leather). Has a sapphire crystal and possibly, a wet-suit extension. EL 薄膜 EL film escapement Device in a mechanical movement that controls the rotation of the wheels and thus the motion of the hands. Head a tapered box with prongs, which holds a stone in a mounting LCD 部件 LCD part LED 部件 LED part UV 紫外光灯箱 UV ultra-violet ray lampbox 按钮 push button 按实物做 Make exactly as shown sample. 奥姆斯卡擒纵机构 Ormskirt escapement 巴塞尔钟表展 Basel Watch Fair 霸的 crown 霸管 crown tube 霸芯及驳管 stem and stem extension 白金 platinum 摆锤 rotor 摆夹板 balance bridge (cock) 摆轮 balance 摆钟 pendulum 摆轴 balance staff 半成品 ebauche 半成品机芯 movement blank 半导体硅片 semiconductor silicon wafer 邦定材料 binding materials 棒状指针 Baton Hand 包边表带 side-wrapped band 包边不锈钢表带 side-wrapped stainless steel band

包金表带 gold-cladding band

包装 packaging

保修卡 warranty card

报刻蜗形凸轮 Quarter snail

报时表 talking watch

报时装置 striking work

碧玺 tourmaline

壁挂钟 wall clock

标牌 label; ie. price label, product label 表后背 back cover

表链耳子 Hinge lug

表面 dial

表面脚 dial foot

表胚 watch blank

表圈 watch bezel

表轴 watch spindle

丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯 ABS

柄轴 Winding stem

拨针 hand setting

拨针机构 setting mechanism

不干胶纸 self-adhesive paper

不规则表壳 irregularly-shaped case

不锈钢半实心表带 stainless steel semi-solid band

不锈钢粉末 stainless steel powder

不锈钢实心表带 stainless steel solid band 不锈钢线 stainless steel strings

步进马达 stepping motor

步行计速器 tachymeter

测距仪(按风速) telemeter

测试仪器 test instruments

测向杠杆式擒纵机构 Lateral lever escapement 叉夹板 pallet cook

叉瓦式擒纵机构 stone lever escapement 叉销 bolt

插片 E-rings

茶色 tea brown

拆生钢枝 S/S pins and shafts

拆生螺丝 removable screwed pin

长方形, 椭园形 oblong

长效万年历 Secular perpetual calendar 车用钟 vehicle clock

齿轮 pinion 齿轮啮合 gear 赤色 crimson 冲角 Impulse angle 冲模 press tool 冲头 punch 虫胶 Shellac 除蜡水 wax solvent 触针 contact probe 传感器 sensor 传呼机表 watch w/pager 促销表 promotional watch 淬火钢片 hardened steel disc 存货 inventory 搓花钢枝 S/S knurled pins 打簧表 repeater 打磨 polish 大钢轮 Ratchet wheel 大钢轮 ratchet (gear train) 大钢轮驱动轮 ratchet work 带MP3表 watch w/ MP3 带计算器表 watch w/calculator 带游戏表 watch w/games 单金属摆轮 Monometallic Balance 单向自动上条机构 One-sided automatic winding device 弹弓表带 expansion band 弹簧扣 spring buckle 倒角 bevel 等时性 isochronism 底盖 back cover 底滚镀 barrel plating 第二时区子表盘 second time-zone indicator 电池用完指示 battery reserve indicator 电磁式装饰平摆 decorative electromagnetic parallel pendulum 电镀表针 galvanized hands 电话表 phone watch 电激冷光表芯 EL module 电容器 capacitor 电视表 TV watch 电泳 electrophoresis 电钟 electric clock 电子反光板 EL backlight 吊坠 pendant

调色 toning; color-mixing

调速机构 regulating organ

订做 custom-made

动力指示器 Dynamograph

镀层厚度 depth of coating

镀金表带 gold-plated band

多边形 polygon

多功能 multi-function; multi-purpose

多功能机械表 mechanical multi-function watch 鹅蛋形 oval/egg-shaped

鳄鱼皮 alligator skin /crocodile grain

发光管式石英钟 LED/fluorescent quartz clock 发夹 open-end pins/cotter pins/sopa 发泡胶产品 polyfoam product

发条 mainspring

发条盒 barrel

反相器 EL inverter

方向锁 directional lock

防磁 antimagnetic

防灰 dustproof

防水霸的 screw-lock crown

防水度 water-resistant ATM

防水耐油黑色橡胶 N.B.R.

防水性能 water resistance

防酸的 anti-acidic

防震 shock resistance

防震器 shock absorber

仿金合金 imitation-gold alloy

仿皮 imitation leather

非自由式擒纵机构 Frictional escapement 菲利普游丝 Phillips hairspring

分齿轮 center pinion

分离器 disconnecting gear

分轮 cannon pinion

分钟追针 Minute Memory

风油式自动上浆机 automatic hydraulic photo-resistant coating machine

蜂鸣器 buzzer

服饰表 dressing watch

附加闹时/星期/日历/万年历数字式石英钟 quartz digital clock w/alarm/day and date/perpetual calendar
