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春节里常听到的话是:过年,意思是辞去过 去的一年;拜年,意思是庆祝新的一年。
MADE BY 沉默过 后
The Lantern Festival
A festive lantern festival 15th day of the first month, beginning on new year's eve will be to continue the celebration activities and an upsurge.
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Lucky money 压岁钱
Squibbing firecrackeBaidu Nhomakorabeas
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Pay a new year call 拜年
Common heard at Spring Festival are: guonian to have made it through the old year, and bainian to congratulate the new year.
MADE BY 沉默过 后
Put up new year picture
Now the tradition of pasting New Year paintings is still kept in rural China, while it is seldom followed in cities.
The custom of Spring Festival
MADE BY 沉默过 后
A lunar year 小年
For two thousand years, china has always preserved a custom of offering a sacrifice to the kitchen god.
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December 24, dusting dust
This custom repose the people made New Year old desire and prayer .
这一习俗寄托着人们破旧立新的愿望 和辞旧迎新的祈求。
正月十五闹元宵,将从除夕开始延续的庆祝活动推向 又一个高潮。
MADE BY 沉默过 后
MADE BY 沉默过 后
MADE BY 沉默过 后
MADE BY 沉默过 后
MADE BY 沉默过 后
现在中国农村仍然保持着贴年画的传统,而在城市里很 少有人贴年画。
MADE BY 沉默过 后
New Year`s Eve 除夕
Stay up late or all night 守夜 Wrap Chinese dumplines 包饺子
MADE BY 沉默过 后
The first day of the lunar new year 正月初一