雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a beautiful sky you enjoyed seeing 美丽天空.doc

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雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a beautiful sky you enjoyed seeing/watching 描述一个你曾经喜欢看的美丽天空


这道雅思口语话题卡是这个季度的全新题,难度系数中等。这道题让雅思小编想到了2014年的时候出现的一道类似关于填空的题目以及曾经在Part1中考过的一道让大家很为难的一道题:Do you like watching the sky? 这道题目把大家问蒙圈儿的原因不在于它真正有多难,而是大家很少真正体会看天空的感觉。那么,这道口语话题卡同样需要大家多多思考一下自己曾经的经历:可以是自己家乡的天空,也可以是自己去外地旅游发现的一片天空。雅思小编建议大家拿到下面题目后给自己一分钟时间思考并先口头作答再参考原创范文学习。


Describe a beautiful sky you enjoyed seeing/watching

You should say:

Where you saw it

Who you saw it with

What you saw

And how you felt about it



I would like to talk about the sky that I have watched while I was traveling in Canada several years ago.


I saw the sky at the Yellowknife town where there’s a perfect spot for aurora observation. ?I went there with my best friend from college in 20015. We started our journey in autumn, which was a perfect timing to appreciate the aurora.


We actually not only saw the beautiful aurora but also countless shining stars that gave us a clear picture of what the Milky Way looked like. You know the last time I saw this stunning scene was 10 years ago when I was in New Zealand. This article is from Laokaoya website. The entire sky in Yellowknife town was so gorgeous. The ribbon-like aurora together with the stars scattered around made an artistic masterpiece.


I felt like that was the most impressive sky I have watched in my life. The reason why I thought it gave me such a deep impression was that the places where I grew up and studied at didn’t allow me to see the natural beauties like this. So, that sky was quite an eye-opener for me. I really hope I could spend more days there to fully enjoy the feast to the eyes it brought to me.


Part 3 追加问题

What kind of people are interested in stars?

Should kids know more about stars and planets?

Is high technology helpful for star watching?

