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第一段翻译(2):what is the exact value of the number pai?a mathematician made an experiment in order to find his own estimation of the number pai.in his experiment,he used an old bicycle wheel of diameter 63.7cm.he marked the point on the tire where the wheel was touching the ground and he rolled the wheel straight ahead by turning it 20 times.next,he measured the distance traveled by the wheel,which was 39.69 meters.he divided the number 3969 by 20*63.7 and obtained 3.115384615 as an approximation of the number pai.of course,this was just his estimate of the number pai and he was aware that it was not very accurate.


第二段翻译(5):one of the first articles which we included in the "History Topics" section archive was on the history of pai.it is a very popular article and has prompted many to ask for a similar article about the number e.there is a great contrast between the historical developments of these two numbers and in many ways writing a history of e is a much harder task than writing one of pai.the number e is,compared to pai,a relative newcomer on the mathematical scene.


第三段翻译(24):the path to the development of the integral is a branching one,where similar discoveries were made simultaneously by different people.the history of the technique that is currently known as integration began with attempts to find the area underneath curves.the foundations for the discovery of the integral were first laid by Cavalieri,an Italian Mathematician,in around 1635.Cavalieri's work centered around the observation that a curve can be considered to be sketched by a moving point and an area to be sketched by a moving line.


第四段翻译(35):Pierre De Fermat's method for finding a tangent was developed during the 1630's,and though never rigorously formulated,is almost exactly the method used bu Newton and cking a formal concept of a limit,Fermat was unable to properly justify his work.however,by examining his techniques,it is obvious that he understood precisely the method used in differentiation today. in order to understand Fermat's mathod,it is first necessary to consider his technique for finding maxima.Fermat's first documented problem in differentiation involved finding the maxima of an equation,and it is clearly this work that led to his technique for finding tangents.

找到一个切线的Pierre De Ferma(皮埃尔·德·费马)方法发展于1630,尽管从来没有严格的规定,却几乎是被Newton(牛顿)和Leibniz(莱布尼茨)完全采用的方法。缺乏一个正式的概念限制,Fermat(费马)无法严格地证明他的工作是正确的。然而,通过查看他的技术,很显然,他准确地明白今天在微分中使用的
