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一、give 词组

1. In those days, he used to give _____ a part of his income to help his friend.

2. Both sides argued with reason, and neither would give _____.

3. If they are burned, they give _____ poisonous gases.

4. When they made ready to climb the next ridge(山脊),they found that their oxygen had given ______.

5. Both the man and horse gave _____ after the long ride.

6. All hope of finding the missing aircraft was given _____ and the search stopped.

7. Mary had to give _____ her job after her marriage.

8. 举行音乐会9. 演讲,做报告10. 给...上课11. 给某人关于... 的忠告

二、go 词组

1. Please don't go _____ _____ it till you've seen me again.

2. He has been in this class only a few weeks and he is already going _____.

3. Many years have gone _____ since we first met.

4. The parade (游行)went _____ us.

5. The crocodile went _____ under the water.

6. Let's go _____ by the lift(elevator).

7. The war went _____ until 1918.

8. If you never read the newspapers, you'll never know what's going ______

in the world.

9. After he had given an account (说明)of the difficulties he went _____

to suggest ways of overcoming them.

10. They went _____ _____ their open-air performance in spite of the rain.

11. Put more wood on the fire, otherwise it will go _____.

12. The mechanic(技师)went _____ the engine but found nothing wrong.

13. They went _____ their lessons together at night.

14. The bullet(子弹)went _____ the wall.

15. The police went _____ very room of the building.

16. 去钓鱼17. 去买东西18. 去游泳19. 回家20. 出去散步21. 入睡22. 全力以赴23. 上大学24. 去医院25. 上学

26. 上床睡觉27. 去电影院看电影

三、look 词组

1. The boy is old enough to look _____ himself.

2. He spent two weeks in Shanghai, looking _____ the city.

3. We are looking _____ _____ hearing from you soon.

4. Join us. Don't just look _____.

5. They all looked _____ him _____ a member of their family.

6. Look _____! There is danger ahead.

7. I shall look _____ that I don't trust him again.

8. He looked _____ his notes before writing the report.

9. Look _____ these photographs and try to pick out the man you see.

10. I must look _____ the time of your train.

11. A fox came to the tree and looked _____ at the cock.

四、make 词组

1. Bamboo is also made _____ paper.

2. Our desks and chairs are made _____ wood.

3. The paper for books and newspapers also is made _____ wood.

4. This engine is made _____ _____ 490 parts.

5. The actor made himself _____ for the part of an old man.

6. These days many girls make _____ when they are still quite young.

7. She made _____ a good lunch from bits and pieces.

8. There isn't any little girl called Kitty here. He has just made her _____.

9. Hard work can often make _____ for lack of intelligence.

10. Everyone should make _____ _____ _____ time.

11. But wait till you see what we'll make for you _____ your own measure.

12. I have made _____ _____ _____, and nothing you say will change it.

13. They made _____ _____ my mistakes when I tried to speak English.

五、put 词组

1. We put _____ the tools before we leave the workshop.

2. All the medical workers in the region helped to put _____ the influenza epidemic(流感).

3. Never put _____ until tomorrow what you can do today.

4. We are putting the play _____ again next week owing to(由于)its success.

5. The fire man soon put the fire _____.

6. The doctor told me to put _____ my tongue.

7. It's time that we put _____ the Christmas decorations(装饰物)in the living room.

8. Drop your weapons and put your hands _____.

9. Another supermarket has been put _____ near our house.

10. I can't put _____ _____ a lot of noisy people when I am working.

11. 使进入,输入12. 全神贯注于...之中

六、set 词组

1. As soon as she arrived, she set _____ tidying up (整理,收拾)the room.

2. They've set _____ on a trip round the world.

3. Together the four men set _____ to look for the lost animal.

4. He set _____ to write a history of civilization(文明).

5. We'll certainly set_____ a complete modern industrial system.

6. A few scarecrows(稻草人)were set _____ in the field.

7. Let's set _____ the tent first, and build the fire later.

8. 放火9. 释放某人10. 给某人树立榜样

七、turn 词组

1. Those who were once for him have turned _____ him.

2. Turn _____ everything captured(缴获的).

3. I'm going to turn my garage _____ a playroom for the children.

4. Be sure to turn _____ the lights when you leave the room.

5. Shall I turn _____ the bath water for you?

6. He turned the meat _____ in the pan(平底锅).

7. They always turn _____ me when they are in trouble.
