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Dialogue: C=cClerk 柜台职员G=Guest旅客

C:Good morning . This is room Reservations May I help you , sir ?

G:Yes , I’d like to reserve a room..

C:Thank you , sir . For which date ?

G:From October 15th

C:For how many nights ?

G:For three nights .

C:Which kind of room would you prefer ,a double or a twin ?

G:A tiwn , please .

C:Gould you hold the line , please ? I’ll check our room availability for those days .

Thank you for waiting , sir . We have a twin at 320 RMB per night.

G:We’ll take one.

C:Certainly , sir . May I have your name please ?

G:Yes , It’s Jonson.

C:How do you spell that , please ?


C:May Ihave your phone number , please ?

G:Yes , the number is 06-321-2345、


C:What time do you expect to arrive , sir ?

G:Oh , around 6 P.M. I suppose .

C:I’d like to confirm your reservation . A twin room for Mr . Jonson at 320 . Per

night for three nights from October 15th to October 17th . My name is Steve and we look forward to serving you .



C:Good morning . Room Reservatings . May I help you , sir?

G:Yes , I’d like to reserve a room for a colleague .

C:Thank you , sir . Which date would that be ?

G:For one week . From November 1 to 7 .

C:Which kind of room would they prefer ?

G:A dowble . He’ll be accompani ed by his wife .

C::Could you hold the line , please ? I’ll check our room availability .Thank you for waiting . I’ll afraid we have no double rooms ,but we do have some twin rooms.

The price is the same , will that be all right ?


C:Certaily , sir . May we know the name of your colleague and his wife ?

G:Mr . and Mrs . Vernon Williams .

C:Thank you . May I have yur name and telephone number , please ?

G:Yes , it’s 585-2311 , extension 1201 . I work in IBM Taiwan Corp .My name is Dan Smith .

C:Thank y ou MR . smith . I’d like to comfirm your recervation . A twin room for Mr .

and Mrs . Williams from No . 1 to No. 7、My name is Cherry and we look forward to seeing you .



C:Which date would that be ?

G:For the night of April 18t th for one night .

C:Could you hold the line , please /I’ll check our room availability for that day ···Thank you for waiting , sir . I’m afraid our hotei is fully booked on that night . Is it possible for you to change your reservation date ?

G:No , that’s not pos sible .

C:I can put you on the waiting list , if we had cancellations , Iwould call you as soon as possible .

G:Well , if that’s the case ···

C:We’re very sorry , sir . We hope you understand .



C:Room Reservations . May Ihelp you , sir ?

G;Yes , my name ie Adams , and I made a reservation for nights from March sth . I’d like to extend it for two more nights until the 9th .

C:FOR 5 nights from March 5th until March 9 th .

G:That’s right .

C:Thank you , sir . We will extend the reservation (make the cancellation /the conection/the change)for you .
