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第19章 时 间

1.考虑对数效用的例子()() ln u c c =。证明:任意t 期的消费由下式给出:

Consider the logarithmic utility example in Chapter 19. Show that consumption in an arbitrary period t is given by


()11ln T

t T t t U c c c α= =∑,…, (1)


111max ln ..t T

t t c t T T t t

t t c s t c w α=== =∑∑∑ (2)


111ln T

T T t t t t t t t L c c w αλ===⎛⎫=-- ⎪⎝⎭∑∑∑ (3)


t t αλ=








假设公寓持续两个时期。令r 为名义利息率,π为通货膨胀率。假定没有租金稳定化计划时,第1期租金为p ,第2期租金为()1p π+.令c 为新公寓建造的恒定边际成本,且令每期对公寓的需求由()D p 给出。最后,令k 为租金受到控制的公寓供给。(编者注:此外还应当假设房屋市场是完全竞争的)

(a )在没有租金稳定化计划时,在第1期的租价p 和新公寓建造边际成本间的均衡关系是什么?

(b )若采用了租金稳定化计划,这一关系将如何变化?

(c )画出简单的供给一需求曲线,并图示没有租金稳定化计划时新公寓的数量。 (d )租金稳定计划将导致更多还是更少新公寓的建造?

(e )在租金稳定化计划之下,新公寓的均衡价格将较高还是较低?

Consider the following scheme for “rent stabilization.” Each year landlords are allowed to increase their rents by 3/4 of the rate of inflation. Owners of newly constructed apartments can set their initial rent at any price they please. Advocates of this plan claim that since the initial price of new apartments can be set at any level, the supply of new housing will not be discouraged. Let us analyze this claim in a simple model.Suppose that apartments last for 2 periods. Let r be the nominal rate of interest and π be the rate of inflation. Assume that in the absence of rent stabilization the rent in period 1 will be p and the rent in period 2 will be ()1p π+. Let c be the constant marginal cost of constructing new apartments and let the demand function for apartments in each period be given by ()D p . Finally, let k be the supply of rent controlled apartments.

(a )In the absence of rent stabilization, what must be the equilibrium relationship between the period 1 rental price p and the marginal cost of constructing a new apartment?

(b )If the rent stabilization plan is adopted, what will this relationship have to be?

(c )Draw a simple supply-demand diagram and illustrate the number of new

apartments without rent stabilization.

(d )Will the rent stabilization plan result in more or fewer new apartments being built?

(e )Will the equilibrium price of new apartments be higher or lower under this rent stabilization plan?

答:(a )显然,只要租金的未来现金流的贴现值大于建造公寓的边际成本,则公寓将会被提供:


p c r π++≥+


12r p c r π

+=++ (b )在采用了租金稳定化计划后,只要租金的未来现金流的贴现值大于建造公寓的边际成本,则公寓将会被提供:

3141p p c r

π⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭+≥+ (c )可以画出第一期的需求曲线减去受到控制的住房供给的k 部分,得到剩余的需求即为市场需求曲线。由剩余需求曲线与边际成本相交可以得到没有租金稳定计划化时新公寓的数量,其中边际成本为:

21r c p r

π++=+ 如图19-1所示。
