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大体情景就是A买了个MP3,第二天就坏了,A的朋友B陪A 一起去退货,结


B: Oh, it’s you, A..

A: Hey, B. Fancy meeting you here. How’s things going?

B: So far so good. Look, I’m going to the Tesco. I want to buy some daily use. How

about you?

A: To tell the truth, I’m going there ,too.

B: Really?

A: Yes. I’m going there for my new MP3 which bought there yesterday.

B: How do you like your new mp3? I also want to buy a new one.

A: Don’t mention it. It worked very we ll yesterday,but now it doesn’t work.

B:It sounds incredible. Have you checked the batteries,

A:Actually,I have checked all the things including batteries,but

it still doesn’t work。

B:Let me have a look。

A: Here you are。

B:Er …..OK. Let’s go to the co unter and ask for returning. Oh,

have you picked the


A: Of course. It’s a must.

谢: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

B: Yes, We’d like to return this mp3.

谢:Is there something wrong with it,

A: Yes, I bought it yesterday, but it doesn’t work n ow.

谢: Well, our production’s quality is always very good. Maybe you did something bad to it. Hmm, let me have a check, perhaps we can repair it for you freely. B: Oh, no no no.. you didn’t get it, we want to return it, not repair it.

谢: Hmm, I know your idea, but you checked it yesterday when you buy it, and at that time, it worked well. I’m sure you have done something bad to it.

A: I’m very sure that I did’t. What’s more, I remember it clearly that you said I can return the mp3 in three days and exchange it in seven days. 谢: Hmm. I need to ask instructions from my manager.

B: Can we talk to your manager face to face?

谢: Er, boss is very busy at the moment.

B: Then we can wait here until he finished all works.

谢: All right, all right. Please wait a moment.

谢: May I come in?

D: Yes, what happened?

谢: Two customs bought a mp3 from our mall yesterday, but it didn’t work now, so

they want a returning.

D: What? It’s out of the question. Haven’t you made them realize that asking for returning in our mall is a stupid action?

谢: I had tried my best, but they still want to talk with you. D: Maybe you can prepare for your new job. Where are they,

谢: Just at the counter.

D: Good afternoon,everyone. I’m the manager here. What can I do

for you,

B: The seller should have told you what happened. We want to return the mp3. D: Hmm, generally speaking, digital productions especially mp3 sold by us are always in high quality and our quality and service is highly spoken of…

A: Wait, good service? The seller told me yesterday that I can return the mp3 in three

days and exchange it in seven days. But he changed just now. How do you think your

service is good?

At this time B call the 315

B: Hello, is that 315? My friend bought a mp3 in Tesco yesterday(声音渐小)…..

谢:(轻拍经理提示)Boss,she is calling 315..

D: Wait .wait. wait, you may misunderstand me. I didn’t mean I wouldn’t return for you.

B: So we can ask for the returning,
