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Life is not easy, so I’d like to say, “when anything_________, believe in yourself”.When I was a young boy, I was too shy to speak to anyone. My classmates often laughed_________me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later, something happened, and it_________my life. It was an English speech contest.. My mother asked me to take_________in it. What a terrible idea! It meant I had to speak_________all the teachers and students of my school!

“Come on, boy. Believe in yourself! You are sure to_________.” Then my mother and I talked about many different topics. At last I_________the topic“Believe in yourself”. I tried my best to remember all the speech and_________it over 100 times. At last, I did well in the contest. I could_________believe my ears when the news came that I had won the first place. I heard the cheers from the teachers and students. Those classmates who once looked_________on me now all said congratulations to me.


She is Amy, a middle school student in Anhui, one of the “stay-at- home children” in town. Amy is 12 years old and lives_________her sister. Her parents left home to make money in big cities when she was_________four. Amy has to take_________of her younger sister. They have to stay at home alone_________they have to go to school in town.

“I used to feel_________without my parents at home,” she said, “but now I know_________they do so. They have to go away to make money for_________so that we can live a better life.”

Every day, Amy gets up at 6:30 am and cooks_________. After breakfast, the two girls go to school. They have supper at 6:00 pm. Then Amy does housework and_________her sister with her homework. She usually goes to bed at 9:30 pm.

Though busy, Amy is still the_________student in her class. She said, “My life is OK. But I still hope my parents will come back and live with us.”


“Sorry” is a word that people in Britain often say in their daily life.

One day while I was_________in the street, a young man ran by hurriedly, brushing against my handbag. He continued his way, but turned_________and said “sorry” to me. Even in a rush, he didn’t_________to say“sorry”. Another day , after I bought some bananas, the shopkeeper was passing me the change, but I wasn’t ready for it and a coin dropped onto the ground. “Sorry,

madam,” he said_________bending to pick it up. I was_________that he said“sorry”to me. Another time, I stepped on a man’s_________at the entrance to a cinema. At the same time, we_________said “sorry”.

Slowly, I got to know that when something unpleasant happens in daily life, the British don’t_________much about who is wrong. If someone is in trouble, a“sorry”is always_________. Perhaps that is_________I seldom see people quarrel on the buses or in the streets in Britain.


A little girl called Fan Yi has caught many people’s attention recently. The little writer’s_________English story, Swordbird, was on New York Times’ bestseller list for children’s fiction.

Fan Yi was born in Beijing in 1997. She_________her second grade of primary school in Beijing. She_________to the USA with her parents at the age of 7. She was shown_________interest in birds since she was a little girl.

When Fan_________studying American history at school, she read many articles about the September 11 Attacks. She wanted all people to_________in peace together. Around that time, she had a(n) _________one night. In the dream, some birds fought with each other. Fan got an idea_________the dream and turned it into a story. In it , she showed her idea of peace in the world.

In the future, Fan will write more_________for the Swordbird series. Will she become another J.K.Rowling ? We_________wait and see.


More and more people are becoming interested in the Internet. They have formed a bad habit. In fact, the bad habit has become a_________--Internet Addicition Disorder. Staying_________for more than six hours a day_________working or studying, and feeling very upset from not being able to get online, are the two major symptoms of IAD.

Internet addition is_________in China now. A recent research_________that 42% of young Chinese people get quite interested in the Web, while only 18% of Americans feel in the same_________.

What caused IAD ? Some people believe that it’s the lack of family care. Most children in China are the_________ones in their families. They are only told to_________hard, but few really care about their personal interest. So some children would like to keep_________away from the real world.

How can people stay away from IAD ? Don’t get online anymore, go back to the real world. If it doesn’t work, go to see a _________. Let’s enjoy our life and stay away from IAD.
