小学英语 课堂游戏 TPR 教材重难点

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1. Flash the Card

Look here , everybody , there are some cards in my hands ,I will flash the card quickly , you should read the word on the card as quickly as you can . Let’s see who can read the word more quickly . Now I want two students to do it .

Who wants to try ?

2. Pat the Card

If I pat this card , I say … , and I am right . You should follow me say … .

If I pat this card , I say …, and I am wrong. You should keep silent . OK , let’s do it .

3. Hide the Card

Look here , everyone ,there are some cards in my hands . I will ask one of you to come here and face to the blackboard and then I show and hide one of the cards .

All of you should say the word. If the kid get near /far the card , you should read the word with high/low voice .

4. Stand up and Sit down

I’ll divide you into two groups , panda group and tiger group. There are some cards in my hands ,If I point to one card and say “ panda” panda group should quickly stand up and read out the card and then quickly sit down.

5. High and Low

If I put the card here , you read it in low voice.

If I put the card here , you read it in highvoice.

6. Touching the Card

I will put some cards on the floor . When I say a word , you should put one part

of your body on the card , and you can’t move . Let’s see how many cards can you touch. Touch the cards with your body as many as you can .

7 It’s me .

OK, boys and girls , let’s play a game . Now I want one of you to come here and face to the blackboard . And then I will ask one of you to read the card in my hand by changing voice . Like this “...”.Next ,the student who faces to the blackboard should tell us who said it . At the same time ,all of you should say “it’s me”.

8 What is missing ?

-Everybody ,let’s look at these cards one by one .OK, now close your eyes .I will take away a card. OK, open your eyes now .Guess ,what’s missing? Are you sure?

9 Balling game

-I put some cards against the wall . When I say out a word .You should quickly use the ball to hit the word card .If you can hit the card , you are the winner.

If you can’t , you are lost.


Ⅰ Words:

1. A---apple B---bear

2. C---cat D---dog

3. E---egg F---fish

4. G---goat H---hat

5. I---Indian J---jam

6. K---key L---lion

7. M---monkey N---net 8. O---ox P---pig 9. Q---queen R—ring 10. S---sun T---top 11. U---umbrella V---van

12. W---witch X---x-ray 13. Y---yo-yo Z---zebra

Ⅱ Sentences:

1. Good morning. Good morning , teacher.

2. Stand up, please . Sit down , please .

3. Sing ! Sing! Sing a song . Sing! Sing! Sing along.

4. Be quiet ! Listen !

5. Come here . Go there.

6. Dance ! Dance! In the sun . Dance !Dance! It is fun.

7. Hands up ! Hands down !

8. Shake ! Shake ! Head to toe. Shake! Shake ! Go! Go! Go!

9. Run! Run! Far away ! Run ! Run! Let me play .

10. Good –bye! See you again!

11. Hello! My name is Sandy. What’s your name ?

12. 1.2.3. Look at me ! 4.5.6. Do some tricks.

7.8.9. I am fine! 10.10.10. Do it again.

13. Time to clean up . Time to go home .

14. The light is red, stop . The light is green , go !

The light is yellow, wait.

15. Eyes, eyes, I can see. Nose ,nose, I can smell .

Mouth, mouth ,I can taste . Ears ,ears, I can hear.

16. I listen to Mom and Dad.

I say “please” and “thank you”


Ⅰ Classroom English

1.Good morning Sandy . 2. Good –bye Sandy . See you again.

3. Show me your hands (finger)

4. Stand up, please. I stand up.

5. Follow me . Follow you .

6. Are you ready? Yes I am.

7. Look at me. Look at you. 8. Follow me say. Follow me do.

9. Who wants to try? Let me try.

10. Let’s sing a song. What song? Walking , walking OK↗ OK↘

Are you ready? Yes I’m ready. If you are ready say “music please”Ⅱ Chants and Songs

1. very good , very cool , very super.

2. oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah , yeah.
