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Unit 1

这双鞋子不适合我穿,太长了。The shoes don’t fit me. They are too long.

你穿上这件夹克看起来酷呆了You look so cool in this jacket.


She is tall and thin.She has a round face with big eyes.

这把尺子是你的还是他的?Is this ruler yours or his?

她的头发是直的。Her hair is straight.

莉莉的头发既长又卷。Lily has long and curly hair.

你看起来像你的爸爸。You look like your father.

他是一个个子高高的头发黑黑的人。He is a tall man with black hair.

他是一个足球队的队长。He is the captain of the football team.

许倩喜欢说笑话。Xu Qian loves to tell jokes.

琳达有点文静总是戴着眼镜。Linda is a little bit quiet. She always wears glasses.

这首歌在我们学校很流行。This song is popular in our school.

Unit 2

我不喜欢汉堡包,比萨和冰茶。I don’t like hamburger,pizza or ice tea.

你喜欢什么类型的茶?What kind of tea would you like?

我们也有色拉,也有橘汁和苏打。We also have salad as well as orange juice and soda 他想要一个中碗的牛肉面条。He’d like a medium bowl of noodles with beef.

让我们列一份菜单吧。Let’s make a menu.

牛肉汤里有蔬菜吗?Are there any vegetables in the beef soup?

西红柿鸡蛋汤里有肉吗?Is there any meat in the tomato and egg soup?

蜡烛的数量就是这个人的年龄。The number of candles is the person’s age.


If he or she blows out all the candles in one go,the wish will come true.


They never cut up the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life.

Unit 3

这个老农带领Tom参观了农场。The old farmer showed Tom around the farm.


Tom picked some strawberries and took them home.

上周你的郊游怎么样?How was your trip last week?


I visited my grandparents in the countryside last weekend.


The guide taught us how to make a model robot.

昨天下了一整天雨,我们全身都淋湿了。It rained all day yesterday,and we got wet. 谢谢你邀请我参加你的生日晚会,我过得很愉快。

Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party. I had a great time.

琳达喜欢在公园里照相。Linda likes taking photos in the park.

在街道的尽头,你能发现邮局。At the end of street, you can find the post office.

学生们昨天乘地铁回到学校。The students took the subway back to school yesterday. 那个年轻人有时开车兜风。That young man goes for a drive at times.

Unit 4

上星期天汤姆干什么了?What did Tom do last Sunday?

你和谁一块去划船的?Who did you go boating with?

你两个周前去哪里了?Where did you go two weeks ago?


Sally was so tired that she couldn’t fly the kite yesterday.

那就是他上课迟到的原因。That’s why he was late for class.


What did you do last weekend? We went to the library.

他迷路了我帮他找到他爸爸。He was lost. I helped him find his father.


I saw him playing the piano when I went by his room.

蛇听不见,但能感觉到物体在动。Snakes can’t hear but can feel things moving.


Last Sunday we went to the beach, and we saw a lot of people there.


The story sounds interesting, and we are very interested in it.


At that time we saw a snake and shouted to parents for help.

你认为每个周末都过得愉快吗?Do you think everyone has a good weekend?

他很饿,把东西都吃了。He was so hungry that he ate up everything.

刚才谁和Jim练习跑步?Who practiced running with Jim just now?
