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baggage on the belt please.您好,请把您的包放在传送带上。 put all your metallic objects such as coin,cellphone,chewing gum,cigarettes,and anything with Aluminum foil into the basket.请把您随身携带的所有金属物品,如硬币、手机、口香糖、香烟、以及带锡纸的物品等放在篮子里。4. Could you hold the baby in your arms and let the pram be checked by the X-ray machine您可以抱起婴儿,将婴儿车通过X光机检查吗5. Excuse me, take your computer out and put it in the basket.对不起,先生,请把您的电脑从包里取出放入筐里。6. Take off your jacket, please.请把您的外套脱下。7. Antthing else in your pocket口袋里还有其它物品吗8. I’m sorry to tell you that flammable items cannot be taken with you into the aircraft.很遗憾的告诉您,易燃品不能随身带上飞机。手检岗位:1. Please come over for inspection.请过来接受检查。2. Please raise your arms.请您抬起双臂。3. Turn around please.请转身。4. Please unbutton your coat.请把您的衣扣打开。5.I’m sorry to tell you that it is a prohibited ’t take it with you into the aircraft.很抱歉告诉您,这是违禁品,您不能把它带上飞机。6. Checking is done, thankyou for your corporation.检查完毕,谢谢合作。7. You can take your baggage now.您可以拿行李了。移交台岗位:1. These items are forbidden by law and will have to be confiscated. Here is your receipt.这些东西是违禁品,我们必须没收。这是给您的没收单据。2. We could check it in for you ,or you could have it deposited temporarily at our place for up to one month.您可以办理托运或在我们这儿办理暂存,我们可以替您保留一个月。3. Within a month, if you return to Beijing, take this receipt to the Domestic Security office to get your things back.一个月之内,当您再来北京的时候,您可以到国内安检值班室凭单据领取您的东西。4. If you can’t come back within a month, we won’t keep it for you.如果一个月之内,您不来领的话,我们将不再替您保存。5. This is the government’s rule. For your own safety and other passangers, we need your understanding and corporation.

2. your baggage on the belt please. 您好,请把您的包放在传送带上。 put all y our metallic objects such as coin,cellphone,chewing gum,cigarettes,and anything with Aluminum foil into the basket. 请把您随身携带的所有金属物品,如硬币、手机、口香糖、香烟、以及带锡纸的物品等放在篮子里。 4. Could you hold the baby in your arms and let the pram be checked by the X-ray machine 您可以抱起婴儿,将婴儿车通过X光机检查吗 5. Excuse me, take your computer out and put it in the basket. 对不起,先生,请把您的电脑从包里取出放入筐里。 6. Take off your jacket, please. 请把您的外套脱下。 7. Antthing else in your pocket 口袋里还有其它物品吗8. I’m sorry to tell you that flammable items cannot be taken with you into the aircra ft. 很遗憾的告诉您,易燃品不能随身带上飞机。手检岗位: 1. Please come over fo r inspection. 请过来接受检查。 2. Please raise your arms. 请您抬起双臂。 3. T urn around please. 请转身。 4. Please unbutton your coat. 请把您的衣扣打开。 5.I’m sorry to tell you that it is a prohibited ’t take it with you into t he ai rcraft. 很抱歉告诉您,这是违禁品,您不能把它带上飞机。 6. Checking is done, th ankyou for your corporation. 检查完毕,谢谢合作。 7. You can take your baggage now. 您可以拿行李了。移交台岗位: 1. These items are forbidden by law and wil l have to be confiscated. Here is your receipt. 这些东西是违禁品,我们必须没收。这是给您的没收单据。 2. We could check it in for you ,or you could have it dep osited temporarily at our place for up to one month. 您可以办理托运或在我们这儿办理暂存,我们可以替您保留一个月。 3. Within a month, if you return to Beijing, take this receipt to the Domestic Security office to get your things back. 一个月之内,当您再来北京的时候,您可以到国内安检值班室凭单据领取您的东西。 4. If you can’t come back within a month, we won’t keep it for you. 如果一个月之内,您不来领的话,我们将不再替您保存。 5.This is the government’s rule. For your own safety and other passangers, we need your understanding and corporation.

2. 1.你为什么会选择安检这份工作 2.你对安检工作范围认识有多少


样的工作(这个如果说不好就简单点回答是份需要高度责任心的工作就行了) 一般都是问这些问题,如果你以前不是安检专业的话,他就不会问你很专业的东西,反正进去都要培训一两个月的而且要注意安检单位除了是执法部门,同时也是窗口单位,对旅客还是要微笑的


