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选修七Unit 1 词汇题

1.His ____ prevents him from finding a job.

A. disability

B. audience

C. emergency

D. connection

2. She never achieved her ___ of becoming a famous writer.

A. campaign

B. ambition

C. institute

D. observation

3. Using computers has a ___ effect on children’s learning.

A. considerate

B. nonverbal

C. content

D. beneficial

4. We are trying to make a list of the ____peopel for the job.

A. subjective

B. protective

C. suitable

D. unique

5. The ____ boy has just dropped the eggs.

A. fortunate

B. mosdest

C. clumsy

D. productive

6. They stopped walking and he almost ___ into them.

A. swung

B. struggled

C. bumped

D. whispered

7. The world will be different and we will have to be prepared to ___ to the change.

A. adapt

B. react

C. refer

D. lead

8. You can ___ out the last sentence of the paragraphy.

A. carry

B. turn

C. make

D. cut

9. I got ____ running up the hill from the station.

A. out of work

B. out of breath

C. out of date

D. out of question

12. This event will hurt the boy ____.

A. unfortunately

B. optimistically

C. psychologically

D. respectfully

13. It was her teacher’s ____ that led her into success in acting.

A. encouragement

B. statement

C. tournament

D. astonishment

10. Her ___ of mind during driving almost caused an accident.

A. function

B. generation

C. absence

D. observation

11. He was beginning to get ____ with me about my carelessness.

A. convinced

B. satisfied

C. annoyed

D. crowded

16. They thought that art should be separated from ____.

A. politics

B. entertainment

C. audience

D. circulation

14. They said that they were ___ a campaign against drunken driving.


B. conducting

C. associating

D. disturbing

15. Working for others can be most ___.

A. amusing

B. astonishing

C. convincing

D. fulfilling

17. They were discussing whether the social convention should be ____.

A. directed

B. entertained

C. abolished

D. confused

20. You can not really appreciate the foreign ___ only by reading translations.

A. summary

B. literature

C. souvernir

D. tournament

18. I heard a whisper that he was going to ___ from his position.

A. reduce

B. react

C. resign

D. rid

19. Abraham Lincoln fought for the abolistion of ___.

A. annoyance

B. tourism

C. statement

D. slavery

24. As the New Year comes, I wish you ___.

A. all the way

B. all the year round

C. all the same

D. all the best

21. Fred was her constant ___ for the last six years of her life.

A. companion

B. welfare

C. nationality

D. nutrition

22. He wrote to the China Writers Association ____ Mo Yan on his winning the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature.

A. expanding

B. circulating

C. congratulating

D. inspiring

23. Your birth ____ will telll them when and where you were born.

A. theme

B. certificate

C. output

D. failure

26. Scientists have recently been able to get ___ to that area.

A. access

B. occasion

C. flight

D. gesture
