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1.the company has to ___ …balance

2.I like your methods___… adopt

3.He was ____…intelligent

4.If you ____ the speed…exceed

5.The ____edition of the… latest

6.The results of the…bring about

7.There is not much tell…Briefly

8.The police are ___…looking into

9.Each term our professors… write out

10.W e’ve ____ paper…run out of

11.T hinking that you know…what

12.W ith the three ships him…given

13.H elen was much kinder…which

14.I suppose you are not? …are you

15.E ver since she her job…changed

16.T oo bad !I missed…by

17.I called in his office ___ …might

18.I t was not until it k ___working.that they


19.H aving no money but ___to know …not

wanting anyone

20.H e ----when the ···…was almost hurt

21.M any laid-off workers___…acquire

22.B efore he left for his…withdraw

23.W e welcome rain,…extremely

24.H e is very ____…particular

25.M edical research has shown…to

26.M edical care reform has Matter

27.T he __ of blood …form

28.A lthough like the… look

29.S helly had prepared carefully…


30.F ree medical treatment.…Ordinary

31.I n Australia … influence ___in

businesses… to be felt

32.W e ___ to start…have hoped

33.N ot only ___the film…he saw

34.T he freezing point is…at that

35.A ccording to a medical…as much as

36.I f she doesn't tell him ____. Does

37.A lthough punctual…to students’ being

38.w hen you fell, you___ now. wouldn’t be


39.I t was long time ___the…before

40.L ittle __he care. Does


一、It was June 15,……

1. …his best years were gone

2. asked Nicholas…

3. He was a man with (5)

4. raising a family…

5 Because he still stays healthy…

二、Freda Bright says, ……

1. Let’s love…

2. Because…for a raise in salary

3. He loves her all the same…

4. t he woman’s husband…best dishes

5. one way to promote world…

三、McDonald’s is the world……

1. in California

2. They had clearly defind…

3. He discovered the gape in…

4. The symbol Ronald McDonald…

5. brief history of McDonald’s

四、A young man got a job as……

1. He could not do…

2. encouragingly

3. He wanted … before

4. strong self-confidence

5. By giving the

五、Why don’t birds get lost on……

1. has only ……discovered)

2. use…… guidance)

3. warblers ……sky)

4. some…… at night)

5. don’t ……to fly)

六、By using a few simple techniques…

1.Verbal…… methods.

2. Parents……development

3. What ……like?

4. the……received

5. c hildren's…… actively

七、In only two decades Asian…

1. still……in society

2. A solid…… culture.

3. they…… areas

4. They…… in general.

5. objective

八、Many a young person tells me…

1. warn ……experience

2. The……are small.

3. He……the better.

4. who……halfway

5. the ……is reached




The kind man provided some homeless people

with food and shelter.


Some students complain about the food

served in the canteen.


He offered to teach them swimming.



The pilot had to take emergency action to

avoid a disaster.



After spending four years at college in

the same dormitory, the four roommates

developed a deep friendship.


She slipped away without being seen.


That shop specialized in kids’ toys.


We have been waiting in ages.


Don’t be in the run too much, and take

care of yourself



Learning about American food can give us

a real taste of American culture.


Michael travelled around the world,

making a living by teaching the piano.



The carriage full of milk bottles rattled

through the road.


He slammed the door and left the home



They took part in scientific experiments




She saved herself from flood by clinging

to a big tree.


Knowing English is one thing, daring to

speak it is another.


The way she talks interests me much.


Learning a foreign language is far form



He intends to drop out of school to support

his family.


My car is stuck in the mud.

一、I started to love running at a young

age. I loved to [race] my father and my

sister around the backyard. I wished I

could run in the Olympics and win lots

of [medals.]

One day my mother saw an

[advertisement] for a race in a

newspaper. “Would you be [interested]

in [taking] part in this race? ” she

asked me, pointing to the


“Yes, of course.” I answered.

I [spent ]the next few days

practicing for my big race. My sister

[set up] a table in the backyard so she

could supply me with water and [time]


just before the race, my[ dad] said

to me, “Don’t use up all your energy at

the beginning of the race. You need to

have energy [so] you can run much

faster at the end. ” Following Dad’s

advice, I didn’t run as fast as I could.

Then the other runners started passing

me, which made me [nervous.] I began

to feel tired, and I started slowing down

and breathing [harder.]

Just at that moment I heard,

“[Com e on] , Kelly! You can do it! D on’t

give up keep running!” he called back.

I took a [deep] breath and tried to

speed forward. Dad continued running

beside me, shouting[ encouraging ]
