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Week Twenty-two


Sometimes you have a fight with a friend. Many times, you find that you even 1 what the fight is about. You just seem to argue, and then 2 talking to each other. Time goes by and you hope to talk to your friend again. You can do the following things to save 3 friendship.

✧First, calm down 4 leaving the problem alone. If you talk right after the fight, you

may say something bad without thinking. However, do not wait too long, sit down and say you’re sorry 5 you are the one who started the fight.

✧If you often have 6 with your friend, you should think about if this person is really

a friend.

✧7 the emails you wrote to each other in the past. They can help you know your

friend’s 8 .

✧Try to 9 your friend. You argue because you don’t agree on something. So, be

10 to understand what he/she is saying.

( )1. A. remember B. hate

C. forget

D. enjoy

( )2. A. stop B. continue

C. begin

D. finish

( )3. A. her B. his

C. my

D. your

( )4. A. at B. by

C. of

D. on

( )5. A. if B. until

C. although

D. unless

( )6. A. time B. things

C. freedom

D. fights

( )7. A. Look B. Read

C. Think

D. Forget

( )8. A. space B. style

C. ideas

D. future

( )9. A. fight with B. leave C. wait for D. understand

( )10. A. sure B. crazy

C. angry

D. sorry



1. argue 争论

2. calm down 平静

3. leave…alone 对……不去理会


Six years ago my family grew from two people to four people in one day. That was the day my sister and 1 were born. That was the day Mom and Dad had to start buying

2 of everything. My mom and dad say we were much more than twice the work of one

3 .

We look just alike, 4 we don’t act just the same. My sister likes peas and beans and I 5 them. I like grape juice and she likes apple juice. She likes to read. I would rather 6 a tree.

Mom and Dad are the only ones who can tell us apart when we dress the same. They 7 the secret. I have a mole (痣)on my ear and my sister doesn’t. We look so much alike that we 8 even fool Grandma and Grandpa.

It’s nice to be a twin sometimes. We always have someone our own age who will share our secrets. Sometimes we don’t want to share 10 . Sometimes it is nice to have my mom or my toys to myself.

( )1. A. he B. they

C. I

D. she

( )2. A. one B. two

C. three

D. four

( )3. A. boy B. brother

C. sister

D. baby

( )4. A. but B. and

C. so

D. or

( )5. A. hate B. eat

C. like

D. drink

( )6. A. cut B. grow

C. make

D. climb

( )7. A. ask B. know

C. give

D. read
